Example sentences of "but [vb past] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He granted an injunction restraining the defendant from using and/or disclosing confidential information but qualified it so that it did not apply to communications made by the defendant either to FIMBRA or the Inland Revenue in respect of the matters identified in the defence .
2 Then he had to wait an hour for a taxi , but made it just in time to introduce Phil Collins .
3 Nails calmed down enough to stop it hurting , but made it quite plain that he was agreeing to nothing .
4 However , even if the L.G.U. was left wondering if it should n't have kept the public better informed , it must have been greatly heartened by the number of spectators who not only came to this out-of-the-way championship but made it abundantly clear that they were greatly taken with the high standard of play .
5 When speaking to Marco in the prison for instance , he tells him he is bound to be deported , and that there is no hope for him ; Alfieri would realise it was hard for Marco to take , but respected him enough to tell him the absolute truth .
6 She did not greet him , but drew him quickly inside into another wide marble-floored hall , so similar in form to the previous one , with its glittering crystal lights and its wide forked staircase , that for a moment he felt only confusion , a sense of time warped , speeding him at once back and forwards .
7 She duly turned to the Psalms but found them equally disturbing .
8 He too wanted to talk to her about the attack , but found her far less ready to talk to him than she had been to the woman from the gipsy encampment .
9 Mrs T also tried to work with her , but found her very vague .
10 They took Rye and then attacked Winchelsea , but found it heavily defended by the Abbot of Battle .
11 He was developing self-control in the classroom , but found it harder on the playground where it seemed that he was easily influenced by other children to behave badly .
12 While Danzigers remained unimpressed by Polish historical claims , Germany , too , longed to deny sovereignty , but found it more convenient in practice to encourage notions of the Free City 's independence , since this discomfited the Poles without direct confrontation .
13 The facilities start with a remote switch socket for connecting the optional FC6 foot controller , offering remote switching without tying up the MIDI in socket ( I tried the FC6 but found it more suited to a keyboard player , so would recommend a standard MIDI switching pedal ) .
14 He had qualified at university in geology and geography , had tried teaching in Hull but found it too confining and when one of the old guard told him he should be spending more time with children who had some potential rather than those to whom he felt committed , he resigned on the same day .
15 They twice tried owning houses but found it too expensive so they gave them away , and Charles refused to accept any of his estranged father 's estate .
16 Jane contemplated designing a jumper based on her favourite sport of canoeing , but found it too ambitious .
17 I glanced quickly at it but found it too difficult to understand , so I gave it back .
18 Last year Hopper trained down to heavyweight , but found it too draining and lost heavily .
19 The Hardys left Swanage early in 1876 but visited it again in 1892 , when they attended a meeting of the Dorset Field Club and ‘ were introduced to old Mr B(urt) , ‘ the King of Swanage ’ ’ .
20 The excavators at Silchester and Caerwent had found great quantities , but regarded it as merely so commonplace and ordinary , that they hardly bothered even to mention it , thus ignoring the important principle laid down earlier by the great Pitt-Rivers , who attempted to record everything he found ‘ however small and however common … common things are of more importance than particular things , because they are more prevalent ’ ( 1898 , 27 ) .
21 They are chewing a drug plant and drinking their quite disgusting beer or spirit — I had only one sip and did not stay to analyse the taste but rejected it instantly — the dancers — wearing headdresses feathered like exotic birds and daubed all over with signs and scribbles — messages to their gods , I assumed — then begin to pound the earth in a movement which matches the drumming perfectly and , like the drumming , is powerfully affecting . ’
22 For a moment , however , she imagined escaping from her present hard life by marrying Alec , but rejected it immediately .
23 Robert wanted to go over to him , but judged it best to stay where he was .
24 Middlesex dropped Ramprakash for the next championship match against Hampshire at Southampton but recalled him yesterday for their game against Sussex at Hove .
25 He switched on the torch , but directed it upward so that there was only diffused light on the forest floor .
26 Wurlitzer originally wrote a quite different last chapter to his novel but threw it away because it seemed too analytical .
27 Erm , she 's lived most of her life in the Cambridge and Northampton area but she 's spent six months down in Plymouth , and erm , her previous job before working for T N T was she actually helped set up a baby unit in a private nursery , but claimed she only prefers other people 's children .
28 We have met isolation experiments before ( p. 59 ) , but allowed them then only a narrower purpose .
29 She did n't struggle but faced him angrily .
30 Alternatively , the killer was someone from the house who had secured the door to ensure privacy , but opened it again after his crime to confirm the impression that an outsider was involved .
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