Example sentences of "but [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 This deeper controversy sustains the debate between liberal interpretations of the modern law of contract , but paradoxically at the same time demonstrates its pointlessness .
2 The real criticism of Mr Pound is not to be directed against his theory as such , but rather at the hasty headlong fashion in which he presents it , at the logical confusion of his intellect when it is not performing the task which is specifically his own , that task being poetry .
3 It is simply that the necessary distinctions are not to be found at the level of categorical separation but rather at the level where they are in fact produced , which is that of both general and specific cultural and social orders .
4 A careful examination of the cocoliche corpus revealed not , as one might expect , a higher overall frequency of the non-subjunctive alternants , but rather at the discourse level an absence of appropriate contexts for the subjunctive .
5 Erm , they have n't had them in Suffolk , we 've had one or two try to join and one did reasonably well , but right at the end of , of the , of one of the tests , the strength tests , she failed , she could n't quite manage it erm
6 He did not have time now to investigate his own feelings , but somewhere at the back of his mind was the thought that he was , himself , no idealist .
7 As such , their own life-styles , societies , and schools have been relatively protected , but perhaps at the expense of political action .
8 The reaction of my careers adviser at University when I confessed my inclination was gloomy but perhaps at the time realistic : ‘ That 's all very well , but what are you going to do when you grow up ? ’
9 She waddled cautiously across the living-room , glaring imperiously but ineffectively at the slopping water glasses .
10 I am prepared to argue that doing business involves , even at the lower levels in an organization but especially at the higher levels of management , semantic problem-solving ; for example , agreeing on boundaries , identifying individuals , establishing and maintaining classifications , conjecturing ways of doing things that belong in no existing formal schema .
11 What is manifestly not disorganized in disorganized capitalism as a set of social relations is capital , either in abstraction or as a ‘ system force ’ in crucial locations , but especially at the point of production .
12 Last week , the Estonian Parliament compromised on both fronts — but only at the price of jeopardising the alliance between nationalists and the republic 's Communist Party which has hitherto allowed Estonia so nimbly to sidestep a decisive confrontation with Moscow .
13 They may intervene in the work of some departments but only at the cost of neglecting broad strategy and the work of others .
14 Nature was given its due , but only at the southern tip of the marsh .
15 This view avoids the necessity of explaining how an increase in complexity can occur by denying that it happens , but only at the expense of supposing not only that there is a minute homunculus in the egg but that within that homonculus there is an egg containing a still more minute homonculus , and so on , in Chinese box fashion , ad infinitum — or , if not ad infinitum , at least back to Eve , who carried within her a sufficient number of successively smaller homunculi to account for all the future generations of mankind .
16 Now the company needs an additional £1 million , which its backers the British Technology Group and Prutec , the venture capital fund set up by the Prudential Assurance company , say they will give — but only at the expense of an ambitious programme of research .
17 Anyone else may appear , but only at the inspector 's discretion .
18 The issue of such shares is treated as giving rise to an income tax liability on the recipient shareholder , but only at the higher rate of income tax .
19 But only at the moment when they have proven themselves to be better than the incumbent .
20 Those who have recourse to the deus ex machina of lethal rays or thunderbolts from outer space may incline to the former view , but only at the expense of disregarding the abundant evidence in the stratigraphic record of a correlation between mass extinctions and physical events on earth ( Hallam , 1981c ) .
21 Slightly more personal is 60 ( ‘ Like as the waves make toward the pebbled shore ’ ) , but only at the very last gasp , as it were , defeating time : ‘ And yet to times in hope my verse shall stand , /Praising thy worth , despite his cruel hand . ’
22 This new sort of foundationalist , who will be considered further in chapter 6 , could escape the demands of F 2 , but only at the cost of abandoning the foundationalists ' favourite weapon , the regress argument .
23 However , it seems that gravity should provide a limit , but only at the very short length scale of 10 -33 cm or the very high energy of 10 28 length scales shorter than this , one would expect that space-time would cease to behave like a smooth continuum and that it would acquire a foamlike structure because of quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field .
24 The United States under Reagan reduced its share , but only at the cost of a large budget deficit .
25 ARC 's leading boat , the Kelsall catamaran Manx Cat completed the 3,600-mile passage in 14 days 17 hr , 59 min 42 sec , but only at the expense of hundreds of hours motoring , arriving on 10 December .
26 It was a representation , in effect , as to the future , namely , that payment of the rent would not be enforced at the full rate but only at the reduced rate .
27 The Order strikes not at the creation of the obligation but only at the performance of it while the Order is in force .
28 In the North-West Frontier Province ( NWFP ) , the PPP coalition administration of Chief Minister Aftab Sherpao successfully resisted the attempts of the IJI and its allies to unseat it , but only at the cost of offering government jobs and incentives to secure the support of independents .
29 Secondly , the suppression may conceivably have safeguarded somebody 's rights at an unknown future date — but only at the expense of an immediate disservice to other interested parties .
30 Both of these apparently contradictory statements are obviously true , but only at the level of empirical observation .
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