Example sentences of "but [adv] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A facial sauna is a deep cleaning treatment which is good for all skin-types , but especially for blemished and congested skin .
2 Libraries are not used for general scanning-type purposes but only for specific tasks .
3 Among stockbrokers , Smith New Court and UBS Phillips & Drew — which will also trade foreign exchange , gilts and bonds — will keep phone lines open all night but only for institutional clients .
4 ( In fairness to Rollin he does allow that such rights may be breached , but only for life-or-death reasons .
5 There is now a through route underground between Gaping Gill and Ingleborough Cave but only for brave men .
6 Adrian Arbib makes hand-crafted boxes which are useful not only for day-to-day storage , but also for outdoor expeditions and for transporting finished works .
7 Adrian Arbib makes hand-crafted boxes which are useful not only for day-to-day storage , but also for outdoor expeditions and for transporting finished works .
8 The transition from traditional management techniques to those based on personal computers revealed the need not only for good early planning but also for high-level commitment in directing what was to be implemented and for what were described as decision support systems .
9 Oil producers found themselves with large dollar surpluses which they did not wish to deposit in the USA , partly as we have seen because of the prevailing regulations but also for political reasons .
10 At the inquiry they had stated that , if the Secretary of State decided the house should be preserved , they would pay not only for past subsidence damage but also for preventative works , in the form of a raft underneath the building , which could be jacked up to correct the effect of any subsidence .
11 This is bad news not merely for Japan 's relations with America but also for ordinary Japanese .
12 They recalled the Augustinian view of political authority as established not merely for defence against external enemies , but also for internal peace .
13 To the left as you entered was the copper over which hung a galvanised tub used not only on wash days but also for personal baths .
14 The sharply increased volume of traffic increased the opportunities for profits , but also for crippling losses .
15 Thus , within the discipline of literature , there must be a place not only for poetry , but also for nineteenth-century German poetry , and a place somewhere for the use of fibre optics in cable television .
16 The help facility is very useful , not only for training new users , but also for infrequent users who suddenly find that they have to take over urgent work at short notice .
17 For instance the names of residents were used not only for personal records , but also for certain financial accounts , and for day-to-day tasks such as preparing menus and issuing medicines ; the statistics about the dependency levels of residents were periodically collated from individual records and passed to the headquarters , and so on .
18 However , Maskelyne had a high opinion of his abilities , lending him considerable sums and securing for him commissions for instruments , not only for his own observatory at Greenwich , but also for new instruments for Eger in Hungary , Mannheim , and Florence .
19 Vast numbers of bricks were required and Bevan had the idea of constructing a tramroad alongside the line of the flight to raise bricks fired at Foxton not only for Foxton Locks but also for other constructions such as the Bosworth Tunnel .
20 Inglis calculated the stress concentration factor , that is to say by how many times the stress is increased locally , not only for rectangular hatchways , but also for other openings such as round and elliptical holes .
21 Because the method is so useful — not only in this connection but also for other memory techniques — many years ago we committed to memory our own personal hooks for each number from 1 — 100 .
22 Its function is to provide training for judges , especially for those acting as Assistant Recorders or deputy Registrars , and for lay magistrates ; but also for other judges through refresher seminars , also attended by civil servants .
23 Vultures soar at great heights , watching not only for carcasses but also for other vultures possibly flying towards carcasses .
24 The site manager acts as the focal point of the operation , and gives the customer a single point of contact not only for all aspects of the cleaning programme , but also for other Rentokil services .
25 As part of the policy of accountability and choice , local education authorities and school governors have a duty to provide information not only for parents but also for prospective parents and the public generally .
26 In a time of economic recession such as that of the early 1990s , there is a strong case not only for low interest rates but also for increased public expenditure , especially on roads , bridges , airports and other civic needs , and on unemployment compensation and welfare payments , all to employ or protect the unemployed and those otherwise adversely affected .
27 The weighted capitation formula has been advanced not only as a mechanism for allocating national resources among the 14 regions but also for subregional allocation .
28 Although it is clear that the left hemisphere is dominant not only for speech but also for verbal memory and reasoning generally ( Meyer and Yates , 1955 ; Meyer , 1959 ; Milner , 1962 , 1971 ; Lansdell , 1968 , 1969 , 1973 ; Benton , 1968 ; Newcombe , 1969 , 1974 ; Buffery , 1974 ) the nature of hemispheric control of speech output is still somewhat obscure .
29 What makes it both attractive to users and even more misleading is that the promoters of the technique tend to use a number of methods to produce ‘ norms ’ for , in particular , ‘ preference shift ’ , but also for various attention measures .
30 Certainly , water is used a great deal in settlements , not only for drinking by people and animals , but also for various crafts and simple industrial processes , and as a source of power .
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