Example sentences of "but [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But resistance to government reorganization was not simply based on self-interest ; what a person 's self-interest was , was defined by institutions and economic expectations , by a social framework which was to some extent traditional and entrenched .
2 But technique in abundance will not always stifle feel : witness Gary Moore .
3 Erm , and so I think that even at that early age , er in the five twenties or earlier , somebody already there is saying we can track personal identity throughout change of not only body but change of species , erm , with these .
4 The Highlands and Islands Unit has continued the primary survey in the Great Glen area but difficulty of access and short field seasons , in addition to other commitments , have hindered progress .
5 Blanket price controls would destroy the very basis of economic reform , but reliance on market mechanisms alone would unleash a price explosion .
6 A complete professional , he performed to deadline and coined the motto : ‘ Art for art 's sake but money for God 's sake . ’
7 Here at home , banking for business is not an overcrowded market — although painfully short of creditworthy companies — but banking for people has more than enough suppliers with the building societies chasing the same customers .
8 But weakness on Wall Street and second thoughts in London cut gains , and the index closed 3.3 points ahead at 2,404.2 .
9 Riding through the French countryside burgeoning with corn , barley , vines , fruit and vegetables , I felt not only replete myself but part of plenty .
10 It can be a very uncomfortable thing , but part of showbusiness is coming to terms with performance , even if you 're performing in front of the camera .
11 But part of Intel 's de-emphasis is due to the fact that it believed the i860 would gather its own momentum as Microsoft Corp brought its New Technology operating system over to the chip .
12 But direction from London — nothing .
13 Accepted by the king at last , Maloney , no longer jolly Hal but Prince of Wales , straddles his fallen father to cross swords with Angus Wright 's dashing Douglas .
14 In this case , then , to write about reality is not to relate word to thing , but text to text .
15 So the maximum wage was scrapped but freedom of contract and mobility was harder to get .
16 The freedom that a private property system brings is not the freedom to do things with property , but freedom from coercion , and this does not depend on property being owned by all .
17 Many bishops of the Late Roman period had earlier in their careers been notable civil servants ; best-known is Ambrose of Milan , but Germanus of Auxerre provides a fine example from Gaul , so too does Gregory of Langres , whose episcopate extended into the sixth century .
18 The Church says sorry … but vicar in graveyard row sticks to his guns .
19 Proceedings under the Settled Land Act 1925 , the Trustee Act 1925 or for the administration of the estate of a deceased person may be commenced in the court which the plaintiff regards as most convenient having regard to the residences or places of business of the parties or to the subject matter of the proceedings ( Ord 4 , r 4 ) , but payment into court under s 63 of the Trustee Act 1925 shall be made to the court in whose district the person ( or any of them ) making the payment resides ( Ord 49 , r 20(2) ) .
20 But progress in marriage and parenting for people with learning difficulties is much less clear-cut and visible .
21 Recreational drug use is bigger today than it was in the Sixties , but enthusiasm for Ecstasy may be starting to wane .
22 But enthusiasm for war itself and for an apocalyptic struggle for ‘ living space ’ was difficult to raise outside circles of nazified youth , the SS , and Party fanatics .
23 Inevitably this will not always be possible but reduction in portering or domestic staff will result in additional burdens for nurses who should be giving their attentions to patient care .
24 Again , with 386-megabyte computers , diskfax and modems ‘ it is n't difficult to set up a valuable resource you can tap into at any time ’ ( he sees ample scope for expanding not only into other languages but building on expertise already gained in mailshot databases and distribution ) and British Telecom has been ‘ very responsive ’ .
25 But chairman of B R , Bob Reid , who 's disabled himself , has intervened , a move that was welcomed by the council .
26 But chairman of rugby John Widdall said : ‘ Our derby matches are always very tight .
27 But chairman of Cleveland County Council 's development and transportation committee David Walsh has warned that the plan for Dixon 's Bank , Marton , could jeopardise existing shops and cause traffic chaos .
28 THE auction of LFA sheep quota by Lawrie & Symington at Lanark last week has confirmed most expectations of market prices but Ministry of Agriculture specialists have given warning that farmers are gambling if they trade before the transfer rules are confirmed some time next month .
29 His hand moved to his chest and felt the nipples intact but saliva like blood drying quickly , only the throbbing tenderness remained .
30 As I am fully conscious of the importance of preserving national unity , I propose to give your Government complete support in the vigorous prosecution of the War ; but unity without action is nothing but futile carnage , and I can not be responsible for that .
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