Example sentences of "but [prep] this time " in BNC.

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1 But during this time the pond started buzzing with activity as it filled with frogs , tadpoles , newts and pond skaters to name but a few .
2 This is a four-week period in which racing should not be undertaken seriously , but during this time training can become harder and as it does so , it must be directed towards the goal , It may be necessary to allow more time between hard sessions and longer recovery times during the session , until your anti-stress systems get back to normal .
3 Between 1963 and 1965 the volcano Irazu in Costa Rica was more or less continuously active , with frequent explosions raining ash over a wide area and ruining the all-important coffee crop , but throughout this time no lavas were erupted and there was no significant change in the pattern of the eruption .
4 Right now , potato yields are quite variable , right and erm , not only are they variable , but on this time series of yields you can , you can see the effects of technology .
5 Some skins went further than the number one crop and had a ‘ dark shadow ’ , but at this time they were never bald .
6 Here , the planting is mixed — perennials will transform the garden in summer but at this time of year they 're invisible , having been cut back and mulched during the autumn .
7 ‘ Some , ’ I yielded the point , ‘ but at this time of year I wo n't go far from land while I do it . ’
8 At first , we could only hear the wagons and we thought that it could be someone hand-shunting , but at this time of night ?
9 But at this time , it 's probably the only record Public Enemy could , or should have made .
10 Conceivably , if the revolt had spread to take in substantial parts of the country then , to anticipate Maoist precepts of the future , the countryside would have surrounded the cities ; but at this time not only were there no ‘ sympathetic detonations ’ in other parts of the country but there was practically no challenge whatever to French power in the cities .
11 But at this time of the year brent geese are also to be found foraging .
12 Kadi Ayatholugh , muderris in Aghras ( Agras , now Atabey ) , then passed on to the service of Molla Khidr Bey ( Hizir Bey : d. 863/1459 ) -later to become the first kadi of Istanbul but at this time muderris at the Sultan medrese ( the medrese of Mehmed I ) in Bursa — becoming his .
13 A dubious label , they 'd tell you , in the middle of winter , but at this time of year it comes into its own .
14 But at this time of year there is no sea .
15 For the first ten minutes of the second half , we started playing a bit ( but at this time we needed 4 goals to go thorough ) and Whelan scored after a good cross by Kelly .
16 There 's plenty of cheese but at this time of night , with that headache , I do n't advise it .
17 But at this time of year the bracken and undergrowth is tinder dry .
18 Peregrines executing a dive are the fastest animals in the world , but at this time of year they are particularly vulnerable to attack while they are displaying and setting up breeding territories .
19 Lenin 's attitude , in so far as it is discernible , will be looked at in a moment , but by this time he was more cut off through illness from daily supervision of affairs .
20 Rudd also had a hand in the Giugiaro-designed Esprit that appeared in 1975 , but by this time , as group engineering director , he had wide responsibilities for production cars , racing cars and Chapman 's new boat-building venture .
21 Indeed , I did not deserve so kind a one , but by this time you have received my last .
22 But by this time the Crown was assessing the royal forests , not so much as hunting preserves but as sources of timber , especially for ship-building .
23 Miller stressed the point that former writers had not had the opportunity of seeing the flower or fruit of new exotics cultivated in English gardens , but by this time many had and details of others had been ‘ communicated by persons of skill from abroad ’ and ‘ so the ranging of plants under their proper heads is now better understood and the science of botany rendered more complete ’ .
24 But by this time Maidstone was beyond all reason .
25 It had its roots in the areas of Altarnun and Menheniot , ( where young Jonathon was christened ) , but by this time the family was well established at the house still known as Trelawne , at Pelynt , near the Looe to Polperro road .
26 This expired in 1978 , but by this time it was such an established force in user education in the USA that it was able to switch to being a self-financing , subscription-funded clearinghouse in that year .
27 I can imagine that there will be those who fill find his rendering of the main theme 's final return somewhat cloying , but by this time I was already far to engrossed to worry unduly .
28 He then served as curate at St Ignatius , Ossett and St Nicholas , Gipton , but by this time he was becoming increasingly involved in additional administrative tasks .
29 But by this time most of the bipeds — the only creatures able to develop stereo vision , a large braincase , together with forelimbs and an opposable thumb ( like Stenonychosaurus inequalis ) — were already becoming extinct .
30 But by this time the Captain had grown used to living in a blue haze .
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