Example sentences of "but [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fibre is found in fresh fruit and vegetables but mostly in wholegrain cereals and bread .
2 She was shaking all over , partly from cold , partly from shock at the suddenness and ferocity of the squall , but mostly in anticipation of what was to come .
3 A complete task description is impossible and the appropriate preparation for the operator is not in direct training but rather in education/understanding of the system and the way it operates .
4 New feminism stressed the importance of women 's role in the home , not to argue the case of female uniqueness and social maternalism , but rather in order to demand reforms that would give the individual mother control over her ‘ conditions of work ’ and ‘ her product ’ .
5 Throughout the period the needs of mothers were not considered in relation to providing a solution to the difficulties they faced ( for example in combining paid employment and motherhood ) , but rather in respect to a precise concept of motherhood as a social function .
6 Through such processes , it was felt , the basis of public law was no longer to be rooted in command but rather in organization .
7 The important element of them all is undoubtedly the dishonest appropriation of another person 's property — the treating of ‘ tuum ’ as ‘ meum ; ’ and we think it not only logical , but right in principle , to make this the central element of the offence .
8 A moment comes , which comes but rarely in history , when we step out from the old to the new , when an age ends , and when the soul of a nation , long oppressed , finds utterance .
9 Upward job or career mobility occurs for many , but rarely in quantum leaps .
10 She wore another severe suit , grey this time over a white blouse , but perhaps in honour of the occasion had added a long twisted rope of coral , pearls and crystal .
11 As it was , Lili chatted easily and Robert timed his eating to synchronise with her fluency ; when Lili stopped talking to eat he carried on , not in the same vein but sufficiently in harmony with her style not to upset the balance of conviviality .
12 Cash transfers are clearly part of comprehensive income , but so in principle is the benefit derived from outlays by the state on goods and services .
13 Manucci , who was employed in Dara Shukoh 's artillery , portrays his patron as a flawed hero , brave and generous but constantly in danger of being outwitted by his wily opponents :
14 A lily really worth searching for is N. Rosy Morn very similar to N. amabalis but deeper in colour .
15 This is not directly related to the three hundred thousand that we 've referred to , but obviously in part too .
16 Informed of the conspiracy , Franco 's reaction was , at first sight , surprising , but entirely in keeping with the behaviour of a man whose responses were always based on strategy , never on emotion .
17 I opened the door of the nearest one , but gingerly in case there was a puma or something the RSPCA had forgotten .
18 I had seen these birds before in Shetland , but only in winter plumage on migration , and here they were , obviously on their home territory .
19 Sentence ( 2 ) leaves us in mid-air , guessing what the " thing " may be that Pemberton would like to hear " ; ( 3 ) provides the answer , but only in part .
20 It limits people 's ability to pursue some conceptions of the good , but only in order to equalize the opportunity to do so overall .
21 At last he was allowed to resign as Prime Minister of the Labour Government , but only in order to kiss hands as Prime Minister of a National administration .
22 Adjoining the churchyard is the Buttermarket , but only in name now .
23 I feel sceptical but would give them a try I believe they work but only in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise
24 Thus the — s here does not independently signal plurality , but only in conjunction with the exponent of plurality in those .
25 Frequently women voters said that they liked Mr Ashdown , but only in preference to Messrs Major and Kinnock , who were characterised by the words ‘ creepy ’ and ‘ characterless ’ by several of them .
26 At the 1921–2 Washington Conference Japan agreed to restore Chinese sovereignty in Shandong , but only in return for Chinese confirmation of Japan 's economic privileges there .
27 Franco , together with some of his generals and ministers and the Falange , wanted to join in the war , but only in return for the prior supply of the items on a substantial shopping list .
28 I had seen her face before , but only in silhouette , anonymous , as she spoke out about the inhuman conditions of political prisoners in Morocco 's forgotten dungeons .
29 This marks the site of the Chapel of St Matthew built by Kaňka but only in existence until the 1790s .
30 There has been a degree of attenuation of this rigidity in some respects , but only in favour of the church 's interpretation .
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