Example sentences of "but [pron] [verb] what " in BNC.

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1 Tilda did n't seem to , but no-one understands what she thinks except Martha . "
2 Later be became giddy , sick and weak and had to go to hospital twice , but no-one knew what was wrong with him .
3 Some loved him , others hated him , but everyone respected what little they ever found out about this strange ‘ refusenik ’ who was part of no group or establishment , yet managed to affect so many people 's lives .
4 But everyone knows what a network station will be used for , so a lot of the installation and set-up could be done before it 's shipped .
5 But I meant what I said ; providing she stops attacking you , she 'll always be welcome with us , ’ Travis reiterated his promise .
6 A slight exaggeration but I knew what he meant .
7 But I knew what Robins meant .
8 I felt the world beginning to drift into the distance again , but I knew what was happening this time and got my head down quickly .
9 I was n't totally prepared but I knew what it was like .
10 But I knew what was really worrying her at that moment .
11 She did n't say which few , but I knew what she meant .
12 But I knew what I 'd be confronted with at the hospital — my mother speechless and locked in a paralysed body .
13 Anyway , at about half past two , I got up to go to the loo and my waters broke — just a trickle , but I knew what it was .
14 I tried to shake it from my mind as I shook the water from my hair , but I knew what that face felt like from the inside .
15 But I knew what I had to do , so I did it . ’
16 So then Fiver went up and spoke to him very quietly , but I heard what Cowslip answered .
17 but I remember what you said about the squares
18 But I saw what was coming .
19 So I I 've got that with me but I 've what what what we 'll do now is we 'll start to erm make our way towards coffee , which I think might be welcome .
20 You can work on a presumption , a prebonderance of probabilities or whatever , but I mean what you can not do is take it that it 's absolutely fact that that is going to happen .
21 But I mean what I say .
22 Right , things we 'd like to see in psychology Is there any I mean any the trouble is you do n't know what 's on the menu so it 's hard to but I mean what sort what sort of things would you like to have seen from pr what you have a ?
23 I know they do Jed but but I mean what I 'm saying if priority states other forces have probably been waiting and rather than us sort of trying
24 but I mean what is , is it an exclude or a negative
25 Well we could 've got a second hand one , but I mean what I 'll pay for a second hand one we might as well get
26 Yeah but I mean what do you
27 But I mean what you 're paying say er ooh say my cheese is nearly five pound at bloody Asda pasdas , got it up there for about one fifty .
28 But I mean what the pay relative to us the cost of living and everything else , I do n't know .
29 But I mean what I could n't understand was if he 's selling all this stuff and
30 Yeah I know but I mean what a way to look .
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