Example sentences of "but [prep] a few " in BNC.

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1 The LP is produced by Jessica Corcoran in tandem with the band and coincides with the tail end of their current tour , a sell-out but for a few tickets for their London show at The Kilburn National on April 4 .
2 His parents had neglected this aspect of his upbringing , having largely abandoned their religion but for a few outer forms before he was born .
3 Mr Vecchiotti is looking not for masses of assembly-line workers , but for a few skilled and adaptable engineers .
4 He was not , in fact , an exponent of the martial arts , but for a few short but character-forming weeks during a university summer vacation he had boxed a kangaroo called Cobber in a travelling circus .
5 Only five or six farms were involved in this tragedy ; but for a few minutes at least we traverse fields brought into being by the high-handed action of a fifteenth-century squire , and pass by the mounds where the hamlet of Holyoak once stood .
6 Then I made him a little tent to sleep in , but for a few weeks I always took my gun to bed with me .
7 Below , a tightly-packed steel chamber , dark but for a few naked bulbs , was filled with squat metal ten-gallon drums .
8 Mr Singh and i drove through the wide streets of New Delhi , empty now but for a few pilgrims washing under the public pumps near the shrine of Nizamuddin .
9 But for a few hours today there was hope .
10 The first few times , the pup gets his food for free to demonstrate to him that people are nice , but after a few treats he has to sit for his stranger and for his supper .
11 She made it back to her office and sank into her chair ; but after a few minutes she sat up , combed her hair and decided to go home .
12 She had heard dark mutterings about him but after a few minutes of talking with him she was ready to put it down to common envy .
13 The meeting broke up with mixed feelings , but after a few days it became clear that we were in business .
14 At first she pulled back , but after a few minutes she relaxed a little .
15 These lovely plants may take time to form large flowering clumps but after a few years are a sight to behold and are worth every bit of effort you expend .
16 It seemed like a complete breakdown ; but after a few minutes he saw that they were playing as if they had always played this way .
17 But after a few days of insipid campaigning there was grumbling back at base about the way the campaign was going .
18 But after a few days he saw the sparks of it begin to reappear and within a week Mould was chattering away as usual and ran about the school thinking of a new plan .
19 But after a few days Mcduff lost interest .
20 But after a few days , with no sign of the weather clearing , he began to feel like a prisoner .
21 A small drapers , ‘ Palmers ’ , was next door but after a few years this became a Baby Wear shop .
22 ‘ Often clients think it 's a good idea to come here but after a few weeks they think it 's not such a good idea .
23 It is clear that the bunched replacement of fixed capital requires a considerable growth in the rate of the production of fixed assets , but after a few years the need for such replacement will decline rapidly .
24 Had the French attempted to move inland he would , it seems likely , have fought a defensive battle on ground of his own choosing , but after a few days , with not a shot fired on either side , the French re-embarked and de Tourville sailed home with his fleet intact .
25 But after a few hours it became hard to disguise .
26 But after a few notes she stopped and turned round on her stool to face me .
27 Margo went from strength to strength , with bigger and better parts , but after a few years turned to acting and much later married an Australian singer/actor , Rod McLennon , and went to live in Melbourne .
28 But after a few days of Margery 's company ‘ the worshipful woman sped herself fast out of Akun with all her retinue ’ .
29 But after a few weeks my girlfriend 's dad got a phone call from the old couple we 'd painted the house for , they wanted to get in the coal shed and could n't because I 'd painted over the lock .
30 Webbed feet were not designed for mountaineering , but after a few weeks the ducks had devised a method of hopping up the stairs one at a time , eating every morsel of bread along the way , until finally they were actually in my bedroom .
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