Example sentences of "but [verb] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Relevance to post was also mentioned by both groups , but given greater prominence by the group with no training officers :
2 In its report , Sub-Saharan Africa : From Crisis to Sustainable Growth , published on Nov. 22 , 1989 , the World Bank reaffirmed the need for structural adjustment programmes ( SAPs ) as a prerequisite for economic recovery , but laid greater emphasis on " human-centred " development .
3 Looking at what went wrong with the ERM and what should be done about it , both conclude that the system is fundamentally sound but needs better management .
4 The Pratt Green Trust seeks to represent the interests of the churches in this area , but needs wider support from the Church if it is to make much progress .
5 Although the present investigation did not reveal more platelet activating factor in colonic mucosa in patients with Crohn 's disease in remission than in controls , this hypothesis could be possible but needs further investigations .
6 Nietzsche wrote : " When I heard of the fires in Paris , I felt annihilated for some days and was overwhelmed by fears and doubts ; the whole academic ( wissenschaftlich ) , philosophical , artistic world seemed an absurdity , if a single day could wipe out the most glorious works of art , even whole periods of art ; I clung with earnest conviction to the metaphysical value of art , which can not exist for the sake of poor human beings , but has higher missions to fulfil . "
7 It refers not simply to the sound of a poem 's words , but has wider reverberations relating to Eliot 's own explorations in anthropology , and to the sort of combination of primitive ritual and civilized world explored in The Waste Land and Sweeney Agonistes :
8 S. jasminoides ( Less hardy , but has better flowers , especially the white form ‘ Album ’ )
9 Virtually impossible to distinguish from northern Guillemots at any distance , but has darker head , shorter and stouter bill with thin pale line along base of upper mandible , and in winter also by black of crown extending well below eye , with no dark stripe on face .
10 Duck very like duck Garganey , but has bluer forewing , blackish bill and yellow legs .
11 St. Peter 's Church dates from 1160 but has earlier Saxon origins .
12 The Holst work is played in an unusually emphatic manner , which in the end gives it more stature than it sometimes achieves in performance ( the composer himself recorded this work with rather similar regard to rhythm and accents , but used faster tempos ) .
13 Yesterday Sir Nicholas , wearing tam o'shanter and tartan , denied he was a racist but provoked further outrage by attacking Lord Whitelaw .
14 In education radicals welcome the introduction of the assisted places scheme , CTCs , proposals for opting out , and increase in places on school governing boards for parents , but seek further reforms to erode the dominance of the state and extend parental choice .
15 The Jones 's family are now rebuilding their lives , but hope better awareness of Meningitis with mean others wo n't suffer their pain .
16 But let smaller pictures of God satisfy us and squeeze him out , and we are back on the easier road to cheap grace and nominal faith .
17 Once you have some tan , you can switch to a factor 5–6 , but save lower factors ( nothing lower than 3 or 4 ) until the last few days of a 2-week holiday , if you have a tan .
18 Keep same length of conference ( 24hrs Fri eve/Sat all day ) , but consider longer lunch break , later start ( optional meal ? ) and meal before departure ( again optional ? )
19 The three segments function , and may be read , independently , but add further comparisons and meanings when seen together .
20 In its World Economic Outlook report issued on April 22 , the IMF scaled back its forecast of world economic recovery in 1992 , but predicted stronger growth in 1993 .
21 In the former of these circumstances the old county histories may be searched to considerable effect , for not only may they describe the church as it then was , but give further clues as to where data may be found .
22 Auctioning franchises will mean less money for programmes , and programmes that are expensive but attract lower audiences will be squeezed ; more light entertainment , sport and bought-in programmes are likely .
23 These are the same as in domestic competition , but assume greater complexity and risk once the firm strays from its known market .
24 The patient recovered but needed further glucose infusions for recurring hypoglycaemia and remained somewhat confused for the next 48 h .
25 Separate age-participation indices for universities only are not calculated , nor are separate indices for England and Wales ; but taking higher education as a whole , provisional data for the 1990-91 academic year show that 19.3 per cent .
26 The reason was not to give longer playing time , but to allow louder reproduction .
27 In the event , therefore , the Act did not provide for large-scale planning and redevelopment , but stimulated further direction towards slum clearance by extending new forms of subsidy directed to the rehousing of overcrowded families .
28 The Governor urged China to take ‘ action to restore confidence ’ in Hong Kong , but gave greater emphasis to locals finding confidence within themselves .
29 The Alliance called a general strike the next day , but cancelled further demonstrations , fearing fresh violence .
30 About five miles further south is Certaldo , so similar it could be a ‘ sister-town ’ , but claiming greater glory thanks to close links with renaissance literary great , Boccaccio .
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