Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] seem [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The NSWRU 's decision seems certain to lead to the Australian Rugby Football Union 's support of New Zealand Rugby Football Union 's second application to the International Rugby Football Board for a new interpretation on reinstatement and admissions to the game .
2 He was all right financially — he had always been shrewd and he made his money in days when the Inland Revenue had allowed people to keep some of it — but his prospects of regaining his former place in the public 's esteem seemed negligible .
3 Romania entered the war against Austria on 28 August 1916 , when Brusilov 's offensive seemed irresistible .
4 That these implications of Moore 's methodology seem strange might only show that it can guide us to unexpected ethical truths .
5 By contrast a child 's bedroom seems safe .
6 TERRY Venables was ousted as chief executive of Tottenham Hotspur yesterday but the bruising battle for the club 's future seemed far from over last night .
7 Lam 's biography seems tailor-made for todays ' infatuation with multiculturalism : he was born in Cuba to a Chinese father and a Creole mother , he was a Roman Catholic fascinated by Santeria ( Cuban animism ) , his studies and work took him to France , Spain , the United States and the Caribbean , and each of his three wives came from a different European country .
8 Josie 's mood seemed okay , which suggested to Lucy that any problems that her presence may have caused must now have been smoothed over .
9 The long thin mouth was pulled down at the corners like a tragic mask , the eyes were hooded , the shoulders hunched , head bent forward so that the man 's gaze seemed fixed on the surface of the table .
10 But Ball 's committee seems likely to press instead for a box which doctors should tick if they want a generic drug substituted .
11 While Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska and Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa were expected to accrue some of the black support which would otherwise have gone to Wilder , the principal beneficiary of Wilder 's withdrawal seemed likely to be front-runner Bill Clinton , who had won considerable black support in his five campaigns for the governorship of Arkansas .
12 Blufton 's nose seemed bulbous , every pore of his skin highlighted , every hair of his spade beard appeared to bristle .
13 Youth is sometimes foolish , and rebellion for rebellion 's sake seems exciting .
14 One book included a comment that Hitler had a ‘ mystical appeal ’ to women , but fails to discuss why or how , and suggests that Hitler 's views on the home as women 's place seem old-fashioned to us today , something unfortunately far from the case .
15 The gentleman 's pose seemed negligent enough .
16 Kopyion 's body seemed decayed , only able to move due to sheer strength of will .
17 This was somewhat ironic since within the Tory Party as a whole the early '60s saw a marked decline in the proportion of Eton-educated aristocratic MPs and a rise in the proportion of the ‘ professional middle classes ’ and career politicians , but with the fourteenth Earl of Home as figurehead , Wilson 's charge seemed plausible .
18 SPAR 's behaviour seems better if two conditions apply : that the reasoner is known to be less reliable than the linguistic part of the system , as it might be if the texts processed describe a relatively open domain ; and that , as for example , in a machine translation task , no further non-linguistic processing will be carried out on the reading accepted .
19 The crowd around the old fellow 's barrow seemed larger than usual for a Saturday morning and I could n't work out why there was such a hush the moment I showed up .
20 Man 's place in these photographs is indicated , apart from the miles of clearcut ground , by tiny trucks and a speck-sized helicopter touched dawn in a clearing : Man seems like an adventurer who occurs somewhat late in geophysical history and his influence on the earth 's surface seems incommensurate with either his scale or his significance .
21 It struck me as I fumblingly dialled the number that it would be better to go out to a kiosk , where I would be more sure of privacy , but having come to this decision I only wanted to hurry , hurry — every minute 's delay seemed dangerous .
22 However , one knew one 's duty even if the parson 's wife seemed negligent of hers .
23 In one sense Ayer 's claim seems reasonable .
24 Nagel refers to Adam Smith whom he takes to be advocating , as a matter of reason , the restriction of moral judgment only to that which the agent has done in a narrow sense because to attribute responsibility for that beyond the agent 's control seems irrational and is akin to strict liability .
25 ‘ In the tackle and in the loose he was quite superb and England 's manager seems convinced we need a big number seven in the national side , yet that seems to suggest he is concerned with just one defensive aspect .
26 The idea of half a house shared with Miss Lockwood 's niece seemed ridiculous somehow , a source of complications .
27 If Quaid 's role seems contrived and the film betrays signs of forced editing in the abrupt , jerky resolution of an expansive but slackly focused narrative , COME SEE THE PARADISE has notable compensations : convincing performances from an unknown cast ( some of whom passed their childhood in the camps ) , a sharp sense of the sometimes bizarre and humorous manifestations of cultural miscegenation and a detailed evocation of period and locale .
28 Initially Colin 's argument seems unusual ; the uncertainty of scientific understanding would appear to make religious faith more difficult to come by ; however , Colin argued
29 With the advent of the poll tax and higher interest rates , the squeeze on the customer 's pocket seems likely to act as a curb on the current trend towards trading-up to more expensive , quality wines .
30 Washington 's stance seems sure to complicate the United Airlines buyout , which was to close a few days after the 10 October deadline set by Mr Skinner for information on BA 's involvement .
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