Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] become [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Watching closely , Davies noticed that as the male pecked , the female 's cloaca became pink and distended .
2 Does this cause Milton 's text to become compromised , its message rendered politically neutered ?
3 In sensual love , people 's judgement becomes distorted and the loved object ( Freud always uses ‘ loved object ’ , not ‘ loved person ’ ) is highly evaluated , and faults are not seen — the tendency termed ‘ idealization ’ .
4 Sgt. Davies 's Hurricane became separated and one Messerschmitt closed to 50 yards before opening fire — and missed !
5 Following his election , Bonior was due to take office in September 1991 , when Gray 's resignation became effective .
6 Britain 's recession became official .
7 Such competition would be designed to reduce administrative costs and increase politicians ' information until a bureau 's budget became optimal for the politicians .
8 Campbell 's crusade became uninteresting and irrelevant to the new world and advertisers were finding more rewarding ventures for sponsorship .
9 Percy 's breathing became heavier .
10 When CDC 's intention became clear , it was approached by a variety of potential partners , Ousley says , and ‘ came very close to changing ’ its decision ( Hewlett-Packard Co being seen as the unlucky suitor ( UX Nos 381 , 384 ) ) .
11 The Supreme Soviet issued a statement on Oct. 24 , which confirmed the republic 's intention to become nuclear-free , and insisting on the joint control of nuclear weapons currently deployed on its territory .
12 He began doing them in the earliest days of his career down on Coenties Slip in the late Fifties ( where the drawing classes held in Fred Mitchell 's loft became legendary ) and has kept steadily at them ever since .
13 Coroner David Blakey said : ‘ I feel the stress of the operation caused bacteria in Mrs Tierney 's bladder to become active .
14 The new nuclear plant being built by a French-led consortium at Daya Bay in Guangdong province will play a key role in China 's bid to become one of the world 's top economic powers in the next 15 – 20 years .
15 This was the night when Marian and Allen slept little and Hugh 's condition became serious .
16 By renting accommodation they can enjoy a short-term lease contract while saving for a deposit to be laid down on a property when the market 's future becomes clearer .
17 Since the scale on Mercator 's projection becomes infinite at the north pole , the region beyond 80°N is not shown .
18 Surere 's gaze became hard .
19 The religious grounds of Van Helmont 's philosophy became explicit in his attack on Aristotle .
20 They gained a permanent home in 1961 when the groundsman 's hut became vacant .
21 They doubted whether valid measures of all of the areas of development could be devised ; they maintained that the tests used would have a distorting and trivializing effect on pupils ' learning ( 'this year 's test becomes next year 's curriculum' ) : they pointed to the possibility , notwithstanding the assurances that light sampling techniques would be deployed , that superficial comparisons would be made on the basis of inadequate evidence between areas and between schools ; and they detected in the paraphernalia of mass testing associated with the APU the most sinister intrusion of central government into the work of the schools and the spectre of state-controlled curricula .
22 But while the melancholy air and the mannered , somehow archaistic appearance of much of the work of his so-called ‘ blue period ’ remind one of some of Gauguin 's painting , it was not until several years later , in the work executed during the year preceding the Demoiselles , that Picasso 's work became bolder and more direct , in some cases one might justifiably say more primitive , in appearance .
23 ‘ It is not part of a doctor 's work to become involved in brawls , ’ he said firmly .
24 In a scene of the utmost poignancy we see Isaac 's trembling bewilderment turn quickly to horror , and Esau 's anguish become murderous hatred of his brother .
25 When the baby 's need becomes ravenous , it feels insatiable .
26 Since meaning is a matter of observational consequences , and such consequences belong to theories and not to sentences , Quine 's conclusion becomes inevitable : meaning belongs to theories rather than to sentences .
27 She lost 7lbs ( 3.2kg ) more , and from being just ‘ slimmer ’ , Stephanie 's body became curvaceous and beautifully toned .
28 The London Society implicitly recognises this when it goes on to argue that a DG would allow the president 's post to become part-time , thereby allowing the senior partner of a major practice to take it on .
29 ‘ My eldest daughter Catherine 's behaviour became unacceptable to the family : she was always disappearing with these friends and coming home in the early hours . ’
30 Poverty changes the meaning of key words — one person 's credit becomes another person 's debt .
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