Example sentences of "she would [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Waiting for the Ten o'Clock News , she wondered whether , if — no , when — he did arrive , she would melt into his arms .
2 that she had th but erm , they , I do n't know wha I really , honestly do n't know er what they would do about , she would do about Evelyn .
3 Secondly , it is seen in a whole host of tactics and alternative strategies to the simple procedure of insisting that the sufferer goes for treatment just as he or she would do for any other disease .
4 Campbell telephones are bugged — and you know what she would do with that information — we must accept her protestations of innocence and lose the … ‘
5 She wanted to move the conversation along as she would do with any other person she had just met at a cocktail party , to talk of work and why they were there and if they could be of any use to each other .
6 Sociable Dorothy , although only seventeen years old , managed to infuse some sort of order into Isobel 's shattered life , hoping that soon Isobel would decide what she would do in the future , so that she herself could go back home to Wales , which , from the vantage point of Tollemarche , seemed infinitely cosy and desirable .
7 As Creggan and Kraal continued to tell their dearest memories , night began to fall and Minch began to plan out what she would do in the limited time she felt she had left to her .
8 She 's just come out of Saint Mary 's did n't do as well as she thought , or everybody else hoped she would do in her A levels , so is now retaking one .
9 The last thing in the world she had thought of becoming was a parson 's wife , and if she were to consider it for any length of time she would refuse through lack of courage .
10 And Clara , confident that she would meet with no misunderstanding , managed to relate episodes that she had never before related , and when , finally , she came to the subject of the future , she awaited Clelia 's views as though they might even be of use .
11 Jean was tough and liked to drink ; she would endure for a long while yet .
12 She would change , but she would n't change into someone else , she would change into another version of herself .
13 She is forced to go faster than she would choose by the intimidating bulk of lorries nudging up behind her , their radiator grilles looming like cliffs in her rear-view mirror , the drivers high above , out of sight .
14 Every afternoon she would wake from her afternoon sleep and cry pitifully , sometimes for as long as two hours .
15 She would wake in the night hearing sobs , then realize they were hers and immediately stop .
16 She would drop to the surface of the station — its mass generated enough gravity to pull her — and , if she could find a suitable maintenance terminal , she would jack in her wrist processor and try to manipulate the station 's doors through the interface .
17 Sometimes , she would stare at them as they were talking and they would grow smaller and smaller , like a genie going back into a lamp .
18 Whenever Doris was n't looking , Charlie would play peek-a-boo with her and she would stare at him stonily for a minute and then turn her head pointedly away .
19 Now blind , she would recount to the boy ‘ strange stories ’ of her ‘ sea experiences .
20 She constantly felt the need to get out of the house and go somewhere , anywhere … but always she would return to be punished , because there was nowhere .
21 He paid regular visits to Cambridge to see Valerie , and she would return to camp from these visits absolutely dying to pour out all her troubles to somebody , and as her bed was right next to mine it was usually me who had the honour .
22 After this she would return to the far wall and wait for the papers to be put back into place , so she could repeat the game .
23 The fact that she would return to the same workhouse 10 years later was in itself not untypical ; many genuine helpers in such institutions may have had it in the back of their minds that one day they would become the cared for , rather than the person doing the caring , as old age took its toll .
24 She would return to Perugia for the summer , to learn more Italian .
25 Although he always sent her out with new clothes that should have made her embody his idea of elegance , he was resigned to the fact that she would return in a version far removed from his original concept .
26 Quite often she would return in such a mess , all covered in mud .
27 She would return from her banishment to the kitchen as Ellwood drove away , imitating his spidery walk , asking : ‘ What did old Stoneface have to say ? ’
28 She would telephone in her lunch-break .
29 She would react with silence to the Colonel 's inquisitive remarks .
30 He wanted to see her , to enjoy her puppy-dog welcome , but he kept wondering how she would react to him if he de-programmed her affection .
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