Example sentences of "she had see [prep] " in BNC.

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31 The initiative foundered and Lorna , who has always had a talent for design , remembered an advert she had seen for Colour Counsellors .
32 She had seen for herself the effect he had on many of his clients ; had herself been impressed by his ability to amuse them with his quick wit and entertaining anecdotes .
33 The older woman had n't bothered to hide her dismay at what she had seen as the loss of her precious older son .
34 He looked like a man she had seen about the village who drove a green truck , but the name she associated in her mind with the monk-robed man was that of an almost universally adored God .
35 ‘ No one … ’ began Sally-Anne passionately , thinking of all that she had seen since arriving in Vetch Street — the poor creatures in Dr Neil 's surgery , and the even poorer ones who could not afford to go there — and of Dr Neil 's own selflessness letting people off their bills , so that only the small income he still received from an aunt 's legacy allowed him to keep going at all , when he could have been revelling with Stair .
36 She had seen that instantly the next afternoon ; in Rachel 's eyes she recognised the same melting joy as she had seen in Lisa 's .
37 But she looked down through the glass skylight and recognised in Maggie 's cropped hair and long white body the same contours that she had seen in that other virgin warrior whom she had inspired into battle .
38 It seemed to Marie like those ‘ executive-style ’ rooms she had seen in numerous television advertisements and soap operas : bright , spacious and open plan with acres of carpets , a jungle of lush potted plants , low leather chairs with squashy seats and coffee tables , casually strewn with expensive , up-market magazines .
39 She had seen in her young days the island women carry brass bottomless bowls on their heads to support the old churns in which they delivered milk .
40 ‘ ’ Devon , the garden of England ! ’ ' said Breeze , quoting from the brightly coloured placards she had seen in various stations en route .
41 She later confessed that she had seen in him not a budding genius , but only a ‘ little man ’ .
42 His wavy black hair curled behind his ears so thickly that she was reminded of an Ingres portrait of a nobleman she had seen in one of Miss Hatherby 's books .
43 Sometimes , Hawk was like the masters she had seen in Chinese martial arts movies , talking in parables , and drawing out his pupil 's skills through subterfuge .
44 It was the policewoman she had seen in the police station .
45 Gedanken suddenly remembered the roll of rubber sheeting — the one she had seen in the corner of the laboratory .
46 Since the evening of the reception at the governor 's palais when she had turned her head to find him looking at her , the memory of the naked desire she had seen in Jacques Devraux 's eyes had smouldered in her mind .
47 She was afraid she would have a defective child because she had seen in Angharad what could happen in her husband 's family .
48 She included in her discontent each miscarriage of her own generosity , but nothing was so bad as what she had seen in the farmyard .
49 She was as much their victim as the naked flesh she had seen in that bleak vision had been victim to the flail .
50 Probably sixty-three or sixty-four , and according to the photographs she had seen in newspapers and geographical magazines , and his occasional appearances on television , he looked considerably younger than his age , and very fit indeed .
51 He sighed heavily , and Belinda was about to ask what was wrong — after all , they were still friends , in spite of what she had seen in the garden tonight , and her revelation of feeling should n't dictate this new reticence — when he spoke at last .
52 In all her short life Sally-Anne had never before encountered the squalor which she had seen in the few days since she had arrived in these poor streets in the hinterland between London Docks and Stepney .
53 Her only regret was that Dr Neil did not buy the Clarion Cry so that so far the only piece of her work which she had seen in print was the one which she had written before she had arrived in the East End .
54 Over the extended hand she looked up into the prince 's eyes , and saw there the same candid regard she had seen in his model ; yet the shafts that pierced into this boy 's inmost being were somewhere shuttered close , standing off all communion .
55 It went pop , and Signe leaned forward into the candlelight so that all the customers could see her , and sipped at the champagne and narrowed her eyes at me in a gesture of passion that she had seen in some bad film .
56 More images whirled through Loretta 's head — the figure she had seen in the bed , a body being dragged to the door , herself in handcuffs waiting to board the ferry .
57 And the new tears were for the absolute tenderness she had seen in his eyes .
58 One of the nurses she had seen in the cloakroom was standing in the middle of the corridor , flushed pink and grinning like an idiot , while That Man lounged on one leg in all his taut leather and chatted her up .
59 At every opening in the trees , across every glade , and beside every hidden pool , Marian looked to see that glint of white she had seen from the Ridgery ; it was never far from her mind .
60 Marian explained what she had seen from the Ridgery .
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