Example sentences of "she at the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 His original plan had been to sell her at the Sonepur Mela in Bihar , the world 's largest animal fair and their final destination .
2 I had met her at the England-USA match in Birmingham and she had offered to help me with my career .
3 No matter what undercurrents had passed between them last night , it had been true enough that it was la Principessa who 'd sent her grandson to collect her at the Sala dell'Arte .
4 Having the children with her at the Everest base camp on the Western Cwm ice fall would not be a problem , as dad was coming too to look after them .
5 Two letter of thanks were then read — the first from Edith Harlow thanking all the teachers for the lovely handbag , matching gloves and cheque which were presented to her at the Essex Rally together with a jewel box , cheque , flowers and an iced cake all given by Essex teachers and class members .
6 In 1953 he unveiled her at the Cannes film festival where she stole the limelight to such an extent that established stars could only get their pictures taken by posing with her .
7 She dressed without disturbing her , and left a note saying she 'd meet her at the Kitty Kat Club that night .
8 Reporters waited outside her apartment day and night , while photographers badgered her at the Young England kindergarten where she worked .
9 Therapist Julia Blackburn 's heart sinks when someone visits her at The Maidenhead Natural Therapy Clinic and says , ‘ I 've tried a grapefruit diet , a pineapple diet , a very low-calorie diet , and now I 've come to see whether hypnotherapy might work . ’
10 This is not exactly a character that springs to mind watching her at the Queen Vic jumping into the sack with her husband 's brother .
11 She tried to recall her life before the siege and the heads of young officers turning to look at her at the Calcutta racecourse .
12 ‘ He found her at the Borrehus at Falster where Søren , her third husband , manned the ale taps and where she ferried peasants and their cattle across the sound .
13 A policewoman with long experience in dealing with sexual abuse did express the opinion that policemen can sometimes be more effective than women in encouraging very young male victims to talk about their experiences : and this policewoman was in favour of male colleagues joining her at the RUC 's specialist sexual abuse unit .
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