Example sentences of "she to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But it was Cromwell who remained the arch repository of true evil in the world , Cromwell who had persecuted Ireland so greatly as to overshadow even Queen Elizabeth who , vilifying Mary Stuart , had put her to a martyr 's death .
2 He stalked away from her to a cherrywood desk in the far corner .
3 He told her to drive to him immediately , and when she arrived treated her to a breakfast of kippers and Chablis .
4 Her natural passivity , encouraged by her religion and perhaps by the fact that she was pregnant , committed her to a mood of acceptance that was sweetly and hermetically selfish .
5 A drug specialist service works out a withdrawal programme with her GP who introduces her to a support group and individual counselling .
6 He took her to a graveyard high on the slope behind the house .
7 If she were a pet dog or cat , you would take her to a vet .
8 Her legs brought her to a halt in front of a glass case containing a Leeds dinner-service .
9 He 'd obviously put his own glass down , because he halted her by grabbing her shoulders and bringing her to a halt .
10 Seb let himself out through the gate and Carrie was half-way back to the house when his soft call brought her to a halt .
11 She 'd gone only a short way when some sixth sense brought her to a halt in the nick of time .
12 I was not accompanying her to the home but was treating her to a taxi all the way .
13 She got an answer soon enough — the city 's mayor confined her to a lunatic asylum .
14 The Mother 's Defence League , organised during the 1920s , opposed all intervention in the working class home on the grounds that it threatened to undermine the working class wife 's responsibility for the welfare of her family and reduce her to a servant and drudge .
15 Her hand was reaching for her bag when the other woman asked her , in her delightfully broken English , to accompany her to a boutique across the road and give her an opinion on a dress she wanted to buy .
16 It was being made to feel redundant that brought her to a standstill .
17 Then suddenly , as Bully pulled her to a standstill , she had an idea .
18 As they turned from the bank to approach the farm , round the edge of the Long Meadow , he took her hand , and drew her to a standstill .
19 As she hesitated for a split-second when her escape was barred by the dancers , Roman caught up with her , grabbed her arm , hauled her to a standstill .
20 What brought her to a standstill was the realisation that her bedroom was under the eaves , so that the walls angled sharply towards the ceiling , lending the room a special character .
21 Richard took her to a friend 's party and afterwards , when they were driving home , he said , ‘ You know what 's happened , do n't you ?
22 ‘ Perhaps we should send her to a tutorial college , ’ said Brian , unexpectedly .
23 Your friend should talk to her GP , who will refer her to a specialist .
24 Five months after the accident , her mother brought her to a specialist treatment centre in London .
25 Her doctor was convinced that most of Edith 's problems were psychosomatic , but he referred her to a specialist who was interested in such cases .
26 It was only after she had fainted at tennis that her father took her to a specialist who found that she had an extra vertebra .
27 I sent her to a boarding school — not a very well chosen establishment , I 'm afraid , but I was n't to know .
28 He drew her to a stop and swung her round so he could see her face in the half-light .
29 He invited her to a performance of Verdi 's Requiem — one of her favourite works — at the Royal Albert Hall .
30 Within moments I had decided to strip her to her expensive banker 's underclothing , lash her to a Quattrocento day-bed with fur-lined leather manacles , and whip her with unimaginable delicacy until she handed over a full power of attorney and yielded herself totally in a frenzy of self-abnegation .
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