Example sentences of "'s [noun] [vb -s] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A surviving volume of pursers 's accounts shows another Bristol ship going to Oran in 1480–1 ( 94 , pp.226–9 ; 100 ) .
2 The Arbroath guidebook 's glossary has some of these — ‘ clearstorey : the range of windows in the upper part of a building ; Frater : a monastic refectory or dining hall [ alas not taken from the Latin for ‘ brother ’ , but from a French reduction of ‘ refreshment' ] ; Gablet : a decorative design in the form of a small gable , often above a window ; Pend : a vaulted passageway [ several pends in St Andrews ] ; Slype : a passage ; Triforium : the arcaded gallery between the main arcade and clearstorey ; Tympanum : the enclosed space within the head of an arched doorway [ does that mean it has a space behind like a drumhead — an open space inviting impressions to be made upon it ? ] ’
3 Sylvester 's text considers these factors and balances them against the feebleness with which Magritte might execute dull repetitions of his more popular compositions .
4 Income support rise ‘ derisory ’ : This week 's rise takes many pensioners back to where they were 18 months ago , Sue Fieldman reports
5 In sensual love , people 's judgement becomes distorted and the loved object ( Freud always uses ‘ loved object ’ , not ‘ loved person ’ ) is highly evaluated , and faults are not seen — the tendency termed ‘ idealization ’ .
6 The basic chef 's course lasts 19 weeks ( shortened for those already holding City & Guilds 706 ) , covers fundamental culinary skills and is open to 18–25 year olds .
7 As my hon. Friend rightly said , however , the handling of Mr. Thorpe 's case raises some important general principles about the management of the health service .
8 Having spoken , the monk undergoes a physical reaction to the utterance of his salacious thoughts of the wife being exercised , sexually , in bed : This response to his own thought and speech on the monk 's part creates another novelty within this fabliau : a character who assumes a role parallel to that of a real reader outside the text ; a listener to and responder to a text and its implications , and what is more a reader who indulges in an interpretation of the text of his thoughts as pornographic , i.e. capable of exciting vicarious , erotic sensation .
9 Unless a Christian 's faith includes this level of understanding , he is short-changing himself .
10 Anna 's sister has this message for him .
11 The idea that the theist must be certain of God 's existence deserves careful consideration .
12 Rumens 's play has similar concerns , though they are rather less delicately expressed .
13 Caryl Churchill 's play sets individual achievement against all women 's struggle against oppression .
14 Yesterday 's decision gives those schools the scent of Government cash for building work next year , but Ms Armstrong , MP for North West Durham , accused Mr Fallon of using ministerial office for party political advantage .
15 The NSWRU 's decision seems certain to lead to the Australian Rugby Football Union 's support of New Zealand Rugby Football Union 's second application to the International Rugby Football Board for a new interpretation on reinstatement and admissions to the game .
16 EPC 's expertise brings significant benefits to its members in the water and process industries , and the club 's continuing expansion indicates that they find it a cost-effective extension of in-house resources , as well as a focal point for keeping abreast of developments in the field of effluent treatment .
17 Penhaligon 's story has all the ingredients of a Victorian melodrama .
18 Terry Hands 's direction whips all this along at a fast pace .
19 In the rest of the region , Israel Radio 's coverage allows those living in the Arab world to hear about events that are censored by their own governments .
20 Claire 's watch says sixty minutes .
21 THE timeless fascination of Sophocles 's Antigone has many explanations , not least in its ability to present in dramatic form many of the most delicate , painful questions concerning government and politics , and with the uncertain ability of human beings to co-exist in society .
22 The interpretation and application of the Bible 's teaching poses many problems , and Christians may legitimately differ in their interpretation at some points .
23 Paul 's sentence hangs unfinished .
24 As recorded by Fredegar , the Byzantine link , with the emperor Maurice , is chronologically impossible , but the presence of vast quantities of Byzantine coin in Childeric 's grave goes some way to supporting the idea that he did have support from the eastern Empire .
25 Also they do not believe that our experience ( as , for example , that a woman 's ministry feels good and appropriate ) is a reliable guide to what God may want for his Church .
26 Perhaps FYT 's ministry has more significance than we realise to merit such concerted antagonism !
27 BTR 's headquarters leaves decentralised management teams to get on with the day-to-day job of running each business .
28 The efficient and effective use of people 's skills requires that employment decisions are based on job related criteria — skills , qualifications , potential , and competence — rather than arbitrary , outmoded , and misconceived notions about age .
29 There is no false modesty here , no subtle , indirect swaggering ; the author 's honesty rings true .
30 No volume of correspondence similar to Alcuin 's survives to illustrate Charlemagne 's dealings with other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms but the support Charlemagne is known to have given to Offa 's enemies reveals widespread diplomatic activity around the borders of Mercia .
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