Example sentences of "she back to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then the king 's son was so sorry for what he had done that he would willingly have died too , if it would have brought her back to life .
2 We had a row , but telling the police we had a row is n't going to bring her back to life and it is n't going to find out who killed her , because I did n't . ’
3 That brought her back to life .
4 Instinctively she tried to retreat , shrinking within herself , desperately seeking that distant place where she was beyond hurt , but fitzAlan spoke again , pulling her back to awareness with terrifying ease .
5 Oh you see if they want her back to testing they 've got ta pay for the resource to er for us to , to , to recruit somebody else in the meantime .
6 I used to have Physics at half-nine and every now and then she 'd have an accident in the road so I 'd be running home , changing her and taking her back to nursery , which would mean I 'd be half an hour late .
7 When he took Nicandra 's plate away he held it for Maman to see , hoping perhaps that a little annoyance might irritate her back to liveliness .
8 He was reaching-for the blue directory when Anne came back with Abigail in her arms , so Adam took her and carried her back to bed himself and tucked her in and kissed her .
9 I 'm putting her back to bed .
10 I tried to force her back to bed , but her fever made her surprisingly strong .
11 I change the incontinence pad and put her back to bed .
12 The woman told the court drove her instead to Clumber Park where he unclipped the sign on his taxi then assaulted her in the vehicle before driving her back to Workshop .
13 Hurrying back to the town , they applied restoratives and brought her back to consciousness .
14 But it came close , tugging her back to consciousness ; still mostly asleep , she recognized it .
15 It was the thud of a horse 's hooves , very near , almost on her , which jerked her back to reality .
16 A hand falling on Ace 's shoulder startled her back to reality , and she found herself facing a dripping Benny .
17 The intrusion of the world brought her back to reality with a thud .
18 James to a course book , and was nodding through the unhinged pastures of the higher criticism when Jessica brought her back to reality with the sharp bone of her eager knuckle .
19 The faintly mocking tone in his voice forced her back to reality , and she snatched her hand away from his hair as though it had come into contact with burning oil .
20 His angry words brought her back to reality , but did nothing to take away her sense of grievance .
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