Example sentences of "she have take [art] " in BNC.

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1 She has to take a taxi everywhere .
2 She wants companionship but , in order to achieve that , she has to take the risk of trusting someone else and take the risk of getting hurt .
3 On this occasion she is at a posh party , where she has taken a glass of champagne , but only ‘ to be sociable ’ — a motive which in anyone else would have driven Patrick to contemplate another of the umpteen blows he feels like unleashing — when the novelist unleashes one of his phonological jokes , which play on vagaries of pronunciation .
4 All right , he is very busy , one could understand a degree of impatience ; but this girl is in a bad way , she has taken a knife to her room , she sees blood before her eyes .
5 As a result , she has taken a calculated decision to ensure that the royal grandchildren remain — whatever the cost — under her influence .
6 Now listen answer the question I asked you , answer the question I asked you , she has taken a lot of drugs in the past , not Prozac .
7 As many of you will have noticed from your Q.T. day programme Beryl will not be teaching this year ; for some time she has taken a great interest in the Back Pain Association and has now become involved particularly at weekends in special classes for back-pain sufferers .
8 Harvey may refuse the usual ‘ women 's role ’ but she has taken the indie scene by storm by writing some starkly troubled sexual vignettes while sounding as if she 's profoundly at ease in her own skin .
9 She has taken the issues raised in Woman to Woman and produced Entering the Masquerade .
10 ‘ Barry wants to see how she has taken the race and I do n't think he will make his mind up until next week , ’ said owner-breeder Dick Hollingsworth .
11 She 'd taken a shine to Tom Rudge whom she now knew to be an apprentice fitter , as was Cyril , his mate .
12 But I have a gem of a nun who 's a wizard with a needle , and after she 'd taken a tuck in the waist and put two inches on the hem , they looked almost tailor-made . ’
13 She 'd taken a cordon bleu cookery course , she told me .
14 Once , she 'd taken a hammer to the headlamp of his motorcycle .
15 Though she was wishing that , after all , she 'd taken a seat , for she suspected he was rather enjoying letting her stew in her own juice .
16 The cast and crew of The Viking had been filming on location and , finding herself for once with little to do , she 'd taken a break to watch the great Dane Jacobsen in action .
17 Once she 'd taken a room in a village where the bus just happened to stop .
18 ‘ I 'd been asking why she 'd taken a clerical job when she 'd had an art training and she said it was all she could get at first but after a while she 'd managed to wangle this daytime class . ’
19 To my surprise , she 'd taken a regular job selling frames and contact lenses and had stuck it and was boss of the shop .
20 She 'd taken a liking to Silvia and had no wish to betray her and get her into trouble with her quarrelsome cousin .
21 After the initial wave of guilty surprise , finding that the beautiful girl she 'd seen at the market had been Roman 's younger sister , she 'd taken an immediate liking to Anneliese .
22 She 'd taken an instant liking to Arnie 's new girlfriend , who was patently far more suited to him than she 'd ever been .
23 But she 'd taken an instant liking to you and for years she 'd been agitating for me to settle down . ’
24 This morning she had started out late for Pack Meeting , so instead of going by the woodland path , which was a long way round , she 'd taken the direct route by road and arrived in time .
25 She 'd taken the nigger 's side against the world .
26 His mother , called Erica , who wore a straw hat to cricket matches , and who was obviously as kind as he was , since she 'd taken the trouble to drive the Colonel — a complete stranger — all the way to Taunton in order to watch the one-day county match and — and …
27 Rather chastened , she 'd taken the seat indicated while the travel consultant had tracked down flights via her VDU , gratefully accepting the more expensive club class when nothing cheaper proved available .
28 She had to take a walk down a short corridor from the main hallway , go down a few steps to the kitchen .
29 She had to take a class in ten minutes .
30 And she passed with flying colours She 's been driving for years apparently but she had to take a test .
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