Example sentences of "she be from the " in BNC.

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1 Identifying her attitude to the emerging democracies of the Soviet bloc , disarmament , South Africa , the environment , Third World debt , and the EC , Mr Kinnock said : ‘ Margaret Thatcher shows that she 's from the Greta Garbo school of diplomacy .
2 She 's from the dregs .
3 " Some woman says she 's from the paper .
4 She 's from the castle .
5 She 's from the south .
6 ‘ The point is , she 's from the village .
7 I 'm joined by Phyllis Starkey , she 's the leader of the Oxford City Council , the leader of the Labour Group , and Michael Wright is from the Liberal Democrats , and Queenie Warley is a former mayor and she 's from the Conservative benches .
8 ‘ Margaret Thatcher shows that she is from the Greta Garbo school of diplomacy : ‘ I want to be alone . ’
9 But how very far she is from the truth , Ruth thought .
10 The Labour leader said that in her supposed splendid isolation from Europe , Margaret Thatcher showed she was from the Greta Garbo school of diplomacy .
11 She was from The Blue Anchor , bound for Tigers Bay .
12 She was from the hareem of Um Hamed , a large and powerful hareem dominated by Um Hamed 's mother-in-law .
13 She said she was from the American magazine , Leaders of Mankind .
14 His second was that she was from the estate agent 's .
15 Erm and she was from the Pentiford area I think , erm oh quite a well educated girl , erm there was nothing to stop them from joining , I mean the London Fire Brigade there are , are fire fighters who are girls , erm and the er they do very well erm there are problems of course , with , with women on fire stations , but nevertheless there 's no reason why they should n't be there , providing they can do the job and I 'm sure those who read the papers and see the news know that in Russia and places like that , women do the , do the job very well .
16 She said she was from the
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