Example sentences of "she be go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 How long 's she been going out with ?
2 ‘ Will she be going straight to bed ? ’
3 Will she be going away with you ?
4 ‘ Why should she be going there ? ’
5 Even if she were to go voluntarily before the next election , that could only be very bad news for him .
6 On the but she said erm that she were going away and I could work , cos the lessons finish on a sa start up there on a Thursday , she said , if I work Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday and I could have Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday Thursday off .
7 And , she says , because if your light ha had n't of been on she were going straight home .
8 she were going it , she were going home , ten to six and they just , can we
9 She 's goes along to some illustration out of book and er
10 Me husband thinks she 's goin' down fast .
11 She 's going away and we may never meet again .
12 She 's going away in a couple of weeks with the Brownies
13 Well she 's going away anyway .
14 So she 's going over about it
15 she 's going over at half past eleven and she said to me if it 's not worth the money I 'm not changing and er , I shall tell him that I 've certainly got to go on the books you know
16 this is , well this is it right , she 's in the canteen , she 's , and she 's going right and putting on this really stupid laugh , right , and I said what 's wrong ? , she goes , she goes , she goes , she goes , right she , and iffy , this how bad she , she was faking , you know like this she goes , she goes , no , no
17 Our Dawn thinks she 's going just for a tea party when they to ask her to drink owt she just takes her time and drinks it .
18 What 's actually happened is , first of all Tracey 's leaving , she 's been promoted to Area Telesales Manager for Talking Pages so she 's going up to Slough and Michelle will be going for that position , and one other girl and the two others that are on management development , one is now leaving cos she 's like , burnt out , she does n't want to do it any more and the other one 's going into the field so it 's literally just me and this other girl and Michelle , but I 'm obviously just starting , but next time around it 'll just be me again Di , and Dianna is good at her work
19 Yeah , she 's going up .
20 I du n no what she 's going on about , so I do n't say nothing .
21 She 's already provided the couple with a tape of tribal fertility dances to ‘ release endorphins in the pelvic region ’ and before long she 's going on about the healing properties of dolphins .
22 I do n't know what she 's going on about .
23 She 's going on and on about everybody wants something for nothing .
24 She 's going tomorrow .
25 No she 's going tomorrow is n't she ?
26 Oh yeah , she 's going tomorrow no tomorrow , they go do n't though .
27 He studied his outspread hands as though surprised to see them , then went on : ‘ She 's going round with Sidney 's boy — Ralph . ’
28 and she 's going round , she 's gon na try and take them to court !
29 Well she 's going round to Mum and Dad 's .
30 going round anyway so she 's going round as well
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