Example sentences of "she be [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Afterwards , looking back , Sara knew that if she were asked she would put a circle round this evening , this particular point in time , and say , " That 's when the heartache began , " a tiny little pain to begin with , no more than a tremor of consciousness , the veriest pinprick .
2 Sometimes it 's worth going away for a while and letting her think she 's beaten you , and then coming back with the food a few hours later .
3 She 's poisoned you against me , I knew she would . ’
4 She said it was very kind of you to make her a cake , and she 's asked you to tea at her house ! ’
5 She 's asked you about our — arrangement , then ? ’
6 She 's asked you to go tomorrow night , Shelley — Saturday . ’
7 Think of how much she 's taught her .
8 She 's taught you nothing !
9 how she speaks no he , he might ban her from the shop if she , if she keeps Well you know she 's called her all sorts of things in front of people .
10 I think she 's realised she 's a person and not somebody to do the bidding of other people .
11 ‘ They think she 's broken her back , ’ said Mr Harrison , who lives just 100 yards away from Paula 's home with the Hutchinsons .
12 She 's given her a cultural background for life .
13 She 's loved you for years .
14 Lynne plans to marry her fiancee Martin Keene next year — she says she 's determined she 'll be walking down the aisle .
15 She 's done him proud , ’ said Mrs Flaherty , ‘ I 'll say that for her . ’
16 She 's done it again .
17 Well , she 's done it in Gods go a'begging , using the same Watteau that we liked so much with the columns and the landscape in the background .
18 Just a day after Kevin , 33 , visited his JobCentre , she joked : ‘ People will make sarcastic comments like ‘ She 's done it for the £7 child benefit ’ .
19 ‘ Oh no , I do n't think so , more likely she 'll go after one of those completely obscure German princes ’ ) , The Princess of Wales ( ‘ such heaven at KP , really she 's done it brilliantly ’ ) .
20 She 's done it for years . )
21 She 's done it ! ’ she said .
22 She 's done it again !
23 She 's done it before .
24 ‘ At least she realises she 's done it now . ’
25 That 's It She 's Done It !
26 And yes , I think she 's decided I fit the role .
27 She 's decided she 's a vegetarian .
28 She 's decided she wants a cat , and goes to enormous lengths to persuade her reluctant parents to buy her one .
29 She 's invited you to have dinner with them the night we leave .
30 ‘ Listen , pet , she 's said she 'll have you .
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