Example sentences of "she be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I bet 'er 's in the family way .
2 Where has she been for the last decade ?
3 Has n't she been to the hospital since or something ?
4 So unaccustomed may he or she be to the affection that you offer .
5 Whose wife will she be at the resurrection ?
6 Would she be like the Misses Cardings , the three spinster ladies who kept the hat shop beyond the tobacconist 's ?
7 Could she be in the midst of a hideous fantasy ?
8 Mainly there was silence , in still greenish light , as if she were at the bottom of a pool .
9 Her voice had a lilt to it as if she were on the verge of laughter .
10 For a moment she wished she were on the top floor of a very , very high skyscraper .
11 She 's knocking on , she were on the other day
12 She herself felt curiously unreal , as though she were in the midst of a dream .
13 word clear and comprehensible as if she were in the front row of the stalls .
14 If Bernard was busy with flying lessons then she could be left in peace to get on with her work ; once he was back , if he wanted her to go somewhere with him , he would just say ‘ Come on Laura , we 're going , ’ and even if she were in the middle of a meeting , she would put away what she was doing and go .
15 She felt as if she were in the middle of a minefield .
16 She could n't bear this any longer , this toing and froing of his emotions , tossing her around as if she were in the eye of a tornado .
17 and explain the situation and the court said oh well we 'll take it to the magistrate 's then , then he had a letter two weeks later saying that it 's been thrown out again , they have n't got a case cos she were in the wrong , she 's never , ever have gone
18 ‘ the defendant owed no duty of care to the infant plaintiff she being at the time of the collision en ventre sa mère , not an existing person and merely part of her mother .
19 Right , time marches on we 've got five minutes before this meeting closes , so if you 've got another question , I 'll take one more question for Chris and then she 's off the hook .
20 She 's off the case ; she 's history . ’
21 she 's off the again .
22 Yeah , and it 's erm like our other one , she used to go hunting up there and she 's across the main road
23 ‘ Presumably she 's past the age of consent . ’
24 She 's with the natro group called Star Eye , ’ Tammuz said stonily .
25 She 's with the angels , ’ persisted Evelyn .
26 ‘ That 's why she 's with the cops , ’ Rab said .
27 She 's with the Crystal publicity people , ’ he said unnecessarily .
28 She 's with the man I just saw you talking to .
29 No , but he seemed to be great , he said , he said well he said to , to me he said she 's with the real thing and she wants to go for it
30 well no cos mum was doing the ironing and how do I get it out if she 's with the ironing ?
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