Example sentences of "she think that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 she 's a teacher and I think she thinks that teachers are the only ones that work !
2 ‘ I think she thinks that Eve is sort of in hospital already .
3 Sometimes during her lucid moments , she thought that Annunziata could not have been kinder if Julia had been one of her daughters .
4 For one agonised moment she thought that Dr Neil was going to insist , to touch her again , and she could not bear that — no , no , not that !
5 She thought that Elizabeth was foolish to have married a silent countryman and to have condemned herself to a life of boredom , and that she should have known better .
6 She thought that Pamela might benefit from having the opportunity to discuss her worries with someone outside the family .
7 Lee had felt the emotional voltage in the room heighten to a point when she thought that Philippa would slam the door behind her , hard , but the door closed as gently as if there were a baby asleep in the house .
8 She felt sure that plans must have been well advanced for the action they intended to take , and she thought that councillors should have been asked to approve the use of emergency guidelines at that time .
9 She thought that breed was extinct , but he , fat , bearded , boss-eyed , aged thirty-six but looking fifty — an effigy of dissipation — was unfortunately very much alive .
10 Jackie stole pen , ink and paper from Biff 's office and Evelyn composed a simple request that the mill be visited because conditions were very bad and she thought that Biff needed help .
11 She thought that April looked as though she bought all her clothes from a catalogue .
12 After three such days the night nurse told us she thought that Caroline and I were exciting him and that it would be better if we went home and merely visited during the day .
13 Deborah did actually say to me , she thought that Harrogate might feel I think it 's to do with priorities for the
14 Sometimes she thought that things went much better when Liza happened to be out of the room and she was alone with John .
15 She thought about what Oliver had said and how silly he was and then she thought that things did happen , and not just to wicked people .
16 A note had arrived at the surgery from the lady in Chester saying that after careful study of the X-rays she thought that Mr Spottiswoode 's pain might be connected with a chest problem .
17 It is also quite common for a therapist to provide information in order to correct misinformed beliefs ( e.g. a patient was allowing an early , unwanted pregnancy to proceed because she thought that abortion was likely to make a woman sterile ) .
18 On that occasion , the plaintiff asked her if she thought that Mr. Perot would increase the offer : she told him that her feeling was that he would not , but that certainly there was nothing to prevent the plaintiff from making a counter-offer .
19 She thought that Clare was being contemptuous of all she had done for her .
20 You can tell we 're English , she thought that evening as they sat four tables apart in the dining room , books propped against their separate water jugs .
21 Driving out of Mondano she thought that Fosdyke had , perhaps , understood her .
22 I suppose she thought that Greene would not ask us to confirm what she had said , but chide us for impropriety on the strength of her word alone .
23 For an awful moment , she thought that Jamie had found out something about her real connection with Puddephat .
24 The teacher expressed concern that , although he could write quite well in English , he only did so when writing collaboratively with his friend ( who was absent ) ; she thought that collaboration might be becoming an avoidance strategy , to get out of the frustrating task of attempting to write in English .
25 She thought that McAllister would be an added attraction for any nobs they might meet — she was so much prettier than Lottie had been , and knew how to wear her clothes , looking better in her drab outfit than Lottie did in her furs and feathers .
26 She thought that McAllister had never seen misery before , and that her response to it was a warm and loving one — and practical , too .
27 Sometimes she thought that food was like a gag .
28 Privately , she thought that Irene and Edward must be living in the past .
29 Of course , if she had been going to get there in time for the beginning , she should have rushed back straight away , out upset at such times was the very worst thing for her mother and it would upset her to think that Peony wanted to go out immediately she 'd got in .
30 It hurt her to think that Fernando cared deeply enough for another woman to do it .
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