Example sentences of "she [was/were] [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her lips move constantly , as if she were remembering a text , like a Hasid at prayer .
2 ‘ I 'm sorry , I ca n't help you , ’ she kept saying , as if she were chanting a mantra .
3 ‘ Pregnant ! ’ said Lydia Horton , her face as horror struck as if she were watching a Boris Karloff film .
4 And if , it 's as if she were writing a diary , I decided .
5 After many years of steady stage and television work , it was as if she were exploring a rich new emotional seam in her work .
6 Her voice sounded mechanical as though she were drawing a shutter across her pains and fears .
7 Only Lori could act as if she were meeting a bosom friend for tea and a chat , when the reality was something light-years removed .
8 He wondered if she were telling the truth and decided that it hardly mattered .
9 But in his grey presence her larks had soon seemed shameful , and she had disciplined herself as though she were entering an order .
10 Franca , with her almost black hair and her almost black dress , felt occluded , invisible , as if she were wearing a shadoor .
11 It was an innocuous question , so why did she suddenly feel as if she were facing the Inquisition ?
12 ‘ Well at least we 've got this beano thanks to her — Aunt 's been planning it for weeks , ever since she heard that this lady might be coming down here , you 'd think she were dining the Prince des Galles . ’
13 ‘ Goldie ’ Everard sounded as if she were delivering an elocution exercise .
14 It was as if she were holding a much more exciting conversation inside her own head , Carrie decided .
15 A stream of urine splashed into the first glass , and as it filled Estelle guided the stream to the next glass as if she were holding a hose pipe .
16 As the Rallye droned towards the lighthouse on the tip of Cap Camerat , Miranda felt as if she were breathing the air of the gods .
17 ‘ I decided not to go with the Parslows , ’ she announced , as though she were saying the most reasonable thing in the world , but her lips were numb with fright , Papa was such a hard man to defy .
18 Yes she were having a look at a lamb , seeing if it were alright for the thing and er we decided that they would n't be alright because where her shed thing is , it 's too far away from house .
19 Her heart began to pound frantically , as if she were having an anxiety attack — but she was n't prone to anything like anxiety attacks .
20 She felt sorry for him once more ; she felt for him the compassion of an older sister , and at that point she did something quite unpremeditated : as she kept on walking , she turned her head back towards him , smiled and lifted her right arm out in the air , easily , flowingly , as if she were tossing a brightly coloured ball .
21 She got in the car with as much ceremony as if she were mounting a camel .
22 Emily 's voice was quiet and measured , as though she were making an effort to remain calm .
23 Second , there are many loopholes in the legislation ; for instance , until very recently a woman could only claim equal pay if she were doing the identical work of a man and , since occupations are typically segregated by sex , it is often difficult to find such a comparable man .
24 Algy said , sitting on a low tapestry footstool by her mother 's chair and putting her forefinger on Lady Grubb 's big garnet ring as if she were pressing a doorbell , staring up at the implacable old head and thinking of nothing but of how to get her to look at one of the two people in the room .
25 She tried not to sound as though she were interrogating the older woman .
26 as if she were putting the same reel of film back in the projector , she ran through the whole scene once again : she is speaking to the visitor , Paul is watching them with astonishment , and the guest is saying : ‘ In your next life , do you want to stay together or never meet again ? ’
27 He was staring at her , amazed at the reaction her words were having on him ; it was , in a way , as if she were suffering an agony similar to his own .
28 Puts on airs as if she were running a literary salon . ’
29 Wet through now , she felt cold and queer , as if she were starting an illness .
30 Later on there is a figure in confrontation with a Barbie doll , who shows a vicious streak as she cuts his throat and asks , almost as though she were offering a round of toast , ‘ one slice or two ? ’
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