Example sentences of "she [was/were] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 In Margaret Thatcher 's time — he wished that she were still at the helm — the party could always look forward to a damn good Leader 's speech on the last afternoon .
2 She was upstairs at once to tell Mary what had happened , though I do n't suppose Mary paid her much heed .
3 ( She was probably at Bourges . )
4 She was up at the window looking out .
5 It seemed she was up at the Jubilee Tower practising the tango with Nigel and they would be down shortly with the papers .
6 He smiled at her again later when she was up at the bar ordering a second round for her and Natasha , as he and his friends were standing further along the bar .
7 Well , I thought nothing of it , because she 's always palled up with a lot of English chaps since she was up at St Andrews and there was the odd Michael among them .
8 Today she was up at the crack of dawn , 4.30 , to make breakfast for her man friend .
9 She was up at er what do you call , no yesterday , and she , you know she goes to the clinic then ,
10 Next morning she was up at seven .
11 Well Annette said when she was up at but
12 She was n't at all good at concealing how worried she was for his safety .
13 She was n't at all enthusiastic .
14 She was n't at all shocked at the thought .
15 She was n't at all defensive .
16 Whatever else Liza Tremayne was or was n't , she was n't at all like Eleanor Fuller .
17 Mrs Robert MacDonald , of Glasgow , though where in Glasgow she was n't at all sure .
18 In the first place she was n't at all sure what she was going to see .
19 She was n't at all sure she could cope with him and a band of strangers , all the way to Titan , through the depths of hyperspace where there 's no escape from your companions .
20 However , when he placed a bowl of potatoes on the table in front of her , and gave her a peeling knife , she was n't at all pleased .
21 She was n't at all sure they were happy .
22 Could n't have been , because she was n't at home .
23 She was n't at all surprised , though , when Stephen spoke to her after a long telephone conversation with Robert Leyton , later that evening .
24 She was n't at all nervous now .
25 She was n't at all sure she liked the sound of that .
26 Meredith hastily curbed her natural friendliness , reminding herself that she was n't at home now , gossiping to strangers and leaping into any car that came down the lane .
27 But when she took a necessary short cut through the kitchen , she was n't at all surprised to find that the figure filling the doorway with a tray of drinks balanced in his hands was Tom .
28 She told herself firmly that he did not suspect a thing , but he suddenly slanted a brilliant glance across at her and she was n't at all sure what he thought .
29 When he looked at her like that she was n't at all sure that this was in any way a ‘ soft ’ assignment .
30 She raised her own brows in slightly disdainful surprise , trying to make it clear she was n't at all interested in getting to know this beautiful stranger .
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