Example sentences of "she [vb past] [been] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Else says a shiver went up 'er spine , and she knew she 'ad been called . ’
2 She 'd been robbed of words , had no speech to tell him to stop this glorious torture , could only groan deep in her throat as his questing fingers flickered over one nipple , bringing it to prominent life even through the material of her leotard .
3 If — and it was a megalithic if , but I supposed we should consider every possible option now we were at it — if , in some weird way the Ghost and her voice really did exist , then as soon as she 'd got over her disappointment , she would have to admit she 'd been defeated fair and square , and would just have to honour the deal and flit off back to heaven or wherever it was she lived now .
4 She 'd been waylaid within ten feet of the front door , which did n't surprise me , by a chinless wonder in a baggy suit and powder blue trainers ( nobody wears trainers with a suit any more ) .
5 Luce froze , realising how easily she 'd been lulled into a false sense of security .
6 She 'd been summoned there for refusing to pay a poll tax surcharge of £14.52 .
7 It was n't her real name and — like Horowitz — she 'd been born in Hungary .
8 He asked her about the place so much like the valley , the place where she 'd been born .
9 But she 'd been born at a better time and there were arts councils and they had been good to her .
10 If she had the sense she 'd been born with she 'd get up from the table right now , wish him a polite good evening , and scuttle back to the safety of the dressing-room , there to make a pledge never to risk being in his company again .
11 She had a heart operation just 3 days after she 'd been born .
12 A post morteum revealled she 'd died from a large fracture of the skull , soon after she 'd been born .
13 If she 'd been born on time this party would n't have happened until Christmas .
14 She wished she could say she knew she was being difficult and edgy , taking it out on him because she 'd been denied another child .
15 Alina said she 'd been raised in the country .
16 She 'd been reserved in a way which suggested that she might be strong-willed but was making an effort to hide it or keep it in check .
17 If she 'd been stopped in a car with this level of alcohol in her , she would have lost her licence for a year at least and got a hefty fine .
18 She 'd been flattered to be asked , of course .
19 Then he stood up and strode from the room , and she all but collapsed into the chair he 'd just vacated , feeling as though she 'd been battered by a storm at sea .
20 She 'd been moved from the uninspiring cupboard allocated to her by Stephanie on her arrival .
21 She 'd been sent there for contempt of court by Essex magistrates when she refused to answer questions about her personal finances in a poll tax case .
22 She even managed to convince the man that she 'd been sent by Roman to inspect the goods .
23 But if she 'd been frank from the outset and had admitted to him that she 'd been sent by his stepmother with the plea for him to visit her the result would have been short and sharp .
24 Following the directions she 'd been sent , Luce reached Calle Nerone in about fifteen minutes .
25 Sorry , I should explain to the committee that I was informed that the secretary who normally does the minutes for the half past one was sick , and had , she 'd been sent home by her doctor at lunch time , so I came back from lunch and had to come straight into committee , and I do apologize if I have missed bits of paper or whatever , I 've gathered up everything I could , but that might well be one of the things that I 've left behind .
26 She 'd been elected to the National Executive Committee and she stood up , said how pleased she was , and then said , ‘ But now I have to take the bucket round for a collection because that 's what I always do … ’ and I just thought , ‘ How wonderful ’ .
27 His hands slid from her breasts as if she 'd been greased .
28 The touch of his hands on her back that afternoon … she 'd been gripped by such a war of reaction inside her .
29 She 'd been cast out , first by one woman and then by another .
30 Jahsaxa flinched with annoyance when she realised she 'd been connected with the Roirbak answering machine again .
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