Example sentences of "she [vb past] [vb pp] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 This time she 'd outdone herself .
2 The newspaper on the table is problematic for me because it was problematic for my mother , a symbol of all she 'd hoped to escape and all she 'd landed herself in .
3 But it was n't his fault she 'd built herself a dream and was looking for somewhere to make it happen .
4 How would he be if on one of those Saturday mornings when he 'd hung around the rectory she 'd recognized herself the bitterness beneath his grin ?
5 She allowed herself to feel all the pain she 'd denied herself for so long .
6 She 'd believed herself still to be battle-scarred by her broken engagement and now was immune to such flirtation , but this man planed flirtation to a smooth , silky art she found it difficult to resist .
7 She 'd overruled herself .
8 Where Emily had learned to thieve so skilfully I 'll never know — perhaps she 'd taught herself — but it was the niftiest piece of pilfering I 'd ever witnessed .
9 She 'd treated herself to the new dress , from the boutique recommended by Anneliese .
10 This was the man she 'd given herself to , willingly , wholeheartedly , by some mysterious process of transmutation from acute dislike to ardent desire , in the wild heat of last night … dislike and distrust had dissolved in the drugging excitement of his arms .
11 And once she 'd given herself to him , she 'd stay with him , one way or another .
12 The frustration of what she could only identify as love for him , plus the fact that she 'd given herself to him so completely , mixed with her suspicion that he was still using her in some way to further his own undisclosed purposes , had engendered a turmoil of emotions within her , among which , she was ashamed and horrified to realise , lurked a certain impulse to exercise violence on his person .
13 Nothing happened for a moment , and in that moment she started to think that she 'd over-reached herself ; but then Charlie said , ‘ This is n't some charity for runaways , you know , ’ and she knew that she was still within the limits , if only just .
14 Her throat tightened on the word , as if even now she could n't quite admit it ; and she wondered how many other times she 'd made herself not hear .
15 It was n't like a shop , because everything she sold she 'd made herself .
16 One she 'd made herself : a black and white Mae West wearing the smile that says I 'm gon na eatcha and you 're gon na love it , big boy .
17 But it was quite clear this time what the answer must be ; she 'd felt herself call the magic , felt it respond to her .
18 And she 'd worn herself out , .
19 She 'd placed herself at his mercy .
20 The stairs were cold and draughty and the light was n't good , but she 'd placed herself so that the agency 's receptionist would be able to see her through the glass-panelled door if she should happen to glance up .
21 From a beam where she 'd er she 'd hung herself .
22 She 'd mutilated herself with razor blades .
23 She 'd imagined herself deeply in love with a man who 'd spun her impossible yarns of riches and position , only to abandon her in the end to shame and ridicule .
24 But she 'd restricted herself to snapping , ‘ I 'll bear that in mind , ’ and abruptly ending the conversation .
25 She 'd flattened herself against the outside wall like someone in a spy movie .
26 She 'd enjoyed herself tonight , had n't she ?
27 Although she 'd helped herself only sparingly from the selection ranging from herring in various preparations through varieties of other seafood to choices of pâtés and cuts of prime meat accompanied by several types of bread and salads , she 'd found the meal delicious and satisfying .
28 She loved you , Juliet , wanted the best family for you , one she 'd chosen herself . ’
29 First , however , she 'd take the walk she 'd promised herself .
30 The only things she 'd bought herself were the bed and bed-linen .
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