Example sentences of "she [vb past] up [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some rich toff she met up West , I dare say ? ’
2 ‘ Alain has gone to visit Claudine 's parents , ’ Marguerite informed her as she dished up breakfast .
3 She scooped up coffee-pot , bread-basket , jam-pots , Camembert , on to the tin tray , and made for the door .
4 Annabel did let slip that the first thing she had done when she packed up tennis as a career was to lose weight .
5 She took up tennis after finding that she was simply in the way if she appeared on the film set .
6 She took up guitar at seven , gave her first recital at nine , her first concerto at 10 , her first radio broadcast at 14 , won an international guitar competition at 17 , and has continued to pick up awards and critical plaudits on her chosen instrument .
7 It is only three years since she took up painting dogs as a profession , but in that short time she has been kept constantly in work .
8 Naturally she took up residence , and by the time Nigel came back she was well established .
9 To get her gold she took up bell ringing , did a lot of swimming , helped the National Trust clear up after the 1988 hurricane , and completed a 50 mile long trek in Glencoe in four days .
10 There 's at least another thirty about life in the GDR in the fifties , how they treat musicians , how she brought up baby Manfred while Gustav was off in Moscow learning to run a shipyard and getting booster shots of dialectical materialism .
11 She looked up cheese soufflé .
12 She went up West , to look for a job in one of the big department stores .
13 ‘ The biggest mystery is why she gave up photography , at which she showed such flair , in 1923 , ’ says Sue .
14 Authorative first crime novel from a woman so obsessed with violent crime that she gave up crime reporting and got a job in the morgue
15 By the age of 10 she was playing whist , and two years later , while holidaying with an uncle in the Netherlands , she picked up bridge .
16 When we started filming she was very shy but she got better as she went along and she picked up confidence .
17 And as the ship freed herself from the mule-lines and her screw began to chum up a wake of umber , sludgy water , and she picked up speed towards the marker buoys and the farewell beacon on Flamenco Island , I was sure I could see the seamen still , pointing their cameras back — now with long lenses all — towards the statue of Balboa which stands on the Panama City seafront , with the great man gazing out at the Ocean into which the Poles were now , at long last , sailing .
18 Though she set up house with him , she still went home to Eccles every Sunday for a traditional roast lunch with the family .
19 It took little time to decide that her new mama was just like the doll , with her big blue eyes , and her made up face and blonde hair .
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