Example sentences of "she [prep] the house " in BNC.

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1 Is , is she in the house ?
2 Melanie stayed beside her , now , helping her about the house .
3 We followed her through the house and into a big room .
4 They were n't too pleased about it , so they kicked her out the house I think .
5 Even before she was finished speaking he was walking quickly from her towards the house .
6 Aware of her unease , Michele smiled a little , a twisted smile that held no mirth , and , taking her elbow , led her towards the house .
7 She felt strangely restless , wanting to throw herself into every small task that awaited her throughout the house .
8 We could n't bring her into the house because we had an old cat and we had no spare kennels , so that just left the caravan .
9 By this time , the woman had left her car and the officer followed her into the house .
10 Mrs Denham refused his offer , and tucked the baby under one arm , and started to drag the blanket she had been sitting on after her into the house .
11 He beckoned her into the house .
12 Boldwood took her into the house , and the door closed behind them .
13 Christina located Norica Cummings , the housekeeper , who let her into the house within the hotel grounds that Michael Stein had occupied .
14 She led her into the house .
15 Not sure whether she should treat the remark as a compliment or not , Juliet followed her into the house with David , and Miss Rose closed the front door .
16 Juliet followed her into the house , and the cat purred loudly , rubbing against her legs .
17 no wonder it was , me dad was trying to get her into the house and everything and she said oh well so and so 's got me key well I said I 'm not bloody phoning er their Nora
18 But Mrs Noel 's let her into the house you see , normally she does n't let the mother 's come in if she 's trying to help a child with difficulties
19 I took her inside the house and tried to calm her down and called the police .
20 She was busy at the tap over in the far corner of the cemetery , filling the empty bottle she had brought with her from the house .
21 He swore softly , colourfully , his face like granite as he swept a gaze round the room before lifting her into his arms and carrying her from the house .
22 I love Philip , he 's a dear , but I 'm not having her in the house . ’
23 She could n't have left her in the house .
24 It was Annabel 's friendship and her acceptance by the Kirkley family that really kept her in the House of Christ the Saviour , where there was no laughter except in the kitchen with Sister Cecilia and sometimes a covert smile from Sister Aloysius .
25 She had been surprised to find that he did n't feel it beneath him to help her in the house .
26 The time without her in the house had been blissfully peaceful .
27 There were no photographs of her in the house in King Street , and the photographs Stephen had seen he had wrested out of old Mrs Naulls .
28 He wanted to know where Miss Stapleton was , and I had to tell him twice that there was no sign of her in the house .
29 Victoria showed her round the house , which was so tiny it did n't take long and Elizabeth told the Pack about English Brownies .
30 We will take coffee at once and then I intend to show her over the house .
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