Example sentences of "she [prep] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 She in no way blamed her dear little house for the terrifying events of the past few weeks .
2 Her flat earth common sense made her instantly acceptable to large numbers of clergy whom she in no way threatened by any daunting scholarship or ambiguity of perception .
3 Theodora was aware of the strength of Spruce 's attention , but it was n't aggressive , merely professional , and she in no way resented it .
4 The Quaker mother , who was so astonished by the ignorance of the police when they questioned her about the way she and her family worshipped , said her faith remained strong .
5 And that was when her conscience , which because she 'd got something else to think about had stayed quiet , suddenly started to get to her about the way in which she was deceiving the man she loved .
6 Amidst the noise of children shouting , women calling across the alley , and dogs barking , Sarah seemed to hear her father condemning her for the way she had behaved these last months , and her misery grew .
7 It annoyed her even more that his continuing aristocratic demeanour disappointed her after the way she had been thinking about him .
8 But a little nagging voice at the back of her mind kept reminding her of the way he had blown up the taxi rank after Anthony died .
9 He tried to discourage her in every way .
10 The first thing to do , if you are embarking on helping an elderly parent who lives alone , is to make sure that she ( or he ) knows that you have a genuine desire to assist her in every way possible ; and then respect her right to make either a positive or negative response to your overtures .
11 Later he became less abusive and rather pathetically said that he kept himself to himself , that the girl was not roaming the streets getting into trouble like the girls who went to school , that company now would be cruel and shameful to an old man who had provided her with a home , protected her and looked after her in every way .
12 So , I tried to make it up to her in every way I could — though it was n't easy — she went on hating me for years . ’
13 Two notable and deserving successes cited by her in no way disqualify the principle of special needs .
14 The room was what it was , one of many , it meant nothing , it spoke of nothing , it betrayed her in no way .
15 She had thanked me for ‘ the deep and exhaustive treatment ’ , and added characteristically : ‘ I can not help being pleased — grateful though I should be and am to her in a way — for Pamela Handford [ sic ] Johnson 's errors to be pointed out .
16 Girls can identify with her in a way they never could with , say , Linda Evangelista . ’
17 Bitterly , she realised that her night at The Angel with Freddie Nash had shackled her in a way which , even if she had stopped to think about the possible consequences at the time , she could scarcely have envisaged .
18 Hawk did not look like a soce worker or a shrink , but he was getting to her in a way the juvie officials never used to .
19 He had looked at her in a way that frightened and worried her , but looking back she became excited and stirred by his attention .
20 I expect he can talk to her in a way he ca n't talk to me .
21 He was not a man much given to talking , but there were times when she caught him glancing at her in a way that held its own silent eloquence .
22 I can talk to her in a way I could n't before and she 's been a great help over the past year .
23 But as he drew level with Grace Richard gave her a smile which melted her heart , and waved to her in a way entirely peculiar to himself , half way between a naval salute and a discreet gesture with the rolled umbrella .
24 Roman looked at her in a way that made Claudia want to curl up and die , and she was n't on the receiving end , only tarred with the same brush .
25 Luke 's eyes licked over her in a way that made his answer perfectly clear .
26 Self-loathing would destroy her in a way his contempt never could .
27 She saw a young , rather handsome man , whose brown eyes looked at her in a way she found slightly disturbing , though this was not the kind of thing she would have admitted to anybody but herself .
28 Having , as she thought , settled their relationship satisfactorily , Ianthe was then conscious that he was looking at her in a way that did not seem quite what she thought of as brotherly , though she had never had any brothers of her own to make the comparison with .
29 He smiled slowly , his eyes travelling over her in a way that sent a tremor through her nervous system .
30 He smiled slowly , his eyes dwelling on her in a way which sent the warm blood pouring into her face .
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