Example sentences of "she [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Casey took 'er in an' called fer ole Doctor Kelly .
2 ‘ Pick 'er up an' bring up 'er wind .
3 ‘ We 're gooin' ter tek 'er upstairs an' lay 'er out , ’ she said .
4 She all but yelled the words at him , incensed beyond reason that he could even consider such a thing .
5 ‘ Yes , of course it does ! ’ she all but yelled back , then bit her lip .
6 ‘ Aspirin — the bottle held aspirin ! ’ she all but yelled the words back at him .
7 When , without warning , Fernand dropped on to all fours beside a huge outcrop of bare rock , she all but fell on top of him .
8 The very thought stiffened her body in his arms and she all but scowled at him .
9 Goaded beyond reason , she all but spat the words at him .
10 She all but tripped over a clothes line embedded in the tussocky grass .
11 She all but screamed the denial , horribly aware that it was n't true .
12 The band finally reached the end of their last number and she all but leapt to her feet , switching on her brightest , falsest smile as she looked down at him .
13 She all but shrieked the word .
14 ‘ You went on the bike ? ’ she all but shrieked .
15 Then he stood up and strode from the room , and she all but collapsed into the chair he 'd just vacated , feeling as though she 'd been battered by a storm at sea .
16 Devastated by the sudden realisation , she all but collapsed on to a nearby chair , her legs no longer capable of holding her up .
17 Her temper sprang back into vivid life as she all but shrieked the words back at him , her fingers unconsciously curling themselves into the fists she 'd dearly love to use on him .
18 She enjoyed living in London , she more than enjoyed the work she did , and she wanted to stay .
19 Detective Sergeant Lucy Lane was an established member of the Serious Crimes Squad and she more than earned her keep .
20 She looked around her despairingly and began to push him towards the pantry .
21 The chief superintendent stared at her colourlessly and tightened his lips .
22 I had to pull her on and cuddle her into me to keep her warm . ’
23 Harold would acknowledge her politely and indicate that it would not be many hours before he was going up .
24 A small boy appeared from the table behind the counter , he smiled at her politely and waited for her to speak .
25 The boys thanked her politely and returned to the rest of the royal party grinning and clutching their gifts .
26 He had stared at her suspiciously and sniffed .
27 He could fall in with the desire of Sapt , marry her secretly and fill the empty place in the Elphberg dynasty .
28 She would make the disaster serve her rather than drag her under .
29 His front leg was paralysed from an old road accident , our vet guessed the owners had abandoned her rather than pay for the amputation .
30 ‘ He married Diana and he should have made much more of an effort with her rather than turning to another woman for support , ’ she said .
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