Example sentences of "she [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now yer know what a cowson that Frank is. 'E told 'er ter piss orf out of it in no uncertain terms an' Maudie told 'im she was gon na send 'er ole man round ter sort 'im out .
2 Although she had lived at the farm since she was ten and was accepted as one of the family , she rarely took part in family discussions .
3 Laura 's insistence on punctuality for meal times became something of a fetish , not because she was herself preparing meals which risked being spoiled ; she rarely had time for cooking any more .
4 If a manager is in the A&R office at CBS , he or she rarely has access to anybody else in the company .
5 Alex is a natural beauty and she rarely wears make-up so Fiona applied soft colours for a natural look .
6 She furiously grasped hold of a clump of soggy weed and after more slipping and sliding finally managed to heave herself out .
7 As she slowly regained strength , Julia began to be able to think of things beyond her own physical state , and whenever David came to see her she urged him to tell her what had been happening at the trial .
8 Leah bore him children , but Rachel was barren for a long period during which Jacob had children by her maidservant before she eventually gave birth to Joseph and then Benjamin .
9 I do know that my sister is in the hands of the only person who can perform this highly skilled operation , and that he is someone who saw fit to increase his patient 's fears at a time when she most needed reassurance .
10 Her mother had died when she most needed help in her development , with all the problems of adolescence .
11 ‘ Oh , dear — you poor old hag ! ’ her friend murmured sardonically , grinning as she deftly caught hold of the cushion Laura had sent flying across the room towards her .
12 ‘ She was doing quite nicely when she suddenly developed gas gangrene .
13 Carrie had been listening intently , enthralled and hanging on to the union man 's every word , but she suddenly caught sight of Fred standing at the counter .
14 Looking back at the crowd at the foot of the great stone double staircase , she suddenly caught sight of the familiar blonde head of her daughter and called the nursemaid , who was holding her up to get a better view of all the excitement , to bring her over .
15 Ronni looked back at him and was aware of a flicker inside her as she suddenly caught sight of those wonderful eyelashes .
16 The blonde Beverly Hills 90210 beauty was racing on a powerful jet-ski at Malibu Beach when she suddenly lost control of the machine .
17 In England during the war , she literally committed suicide by refusing her food rations , thus expressing her solidarity with the starving of Europe .
18 Boz made the announcement as though expecting Dolly to argue with him , but she merely nodded acknowledgement of his statement .
19 I read of her collecting ivy with her children for Christmas decorations ( she rightly hated holly ) , while I told her of walks by the Nile with Sappho , my pretty mongrel bitch , watching the beautiful boats with big-bellied sails bringing cattle-fodder from Upper Egypt .
20 She only lacked strength , that was all .
21 She 's seventy and she only stopped hunting last season because she 's got arthritis in her wrist .
22 Belatedly she realised she only wore bra and panties .
23 He designed and built it specially for his wife because she 'd always wanted to live by the river , but she only had time to enjoy it for a few months before she died .
24 A quick hunt through the cupboards and the fridge revealed a good supply of food , but for the moment she only wanted coffee .
25 She only started wheelchair racing 4 years ago .
26 And yet , despising her , Luke could n't resist her any more than she could him — but she alone had love to justify the weakness .
27 By the time she finally headed south again Kirsty 's future would have been decided .
28 She soon fell victim , and ceased to show any signs of life .
29 She soon realised strength meant nothing in their oily state , and her lithe body twisted and turned to avoid his lunges .
30 The crowd slowed her progress , but she soon caught sight of him again , heading towards the door .
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