Example sentences of "she [verb] [been] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Else says a shiver went up 'er spine , and she knew she 'ad been called . ’
2 But she has been given special dispensation to play in two events in her home state before that birthday .
3 The likelihood of a syphilitic mother passing the infection on when she is pregnant diminishes the longer she has had the disease , and when she has been given an adequate course of anti-syphilitic treatment , there is no chance of her infecting her unborn child unless she herself becomes reinfected .
4 What happens if a customer complains that she has been given the wrong change ?
5 Pat shares some of the problems she has solved and tips she has been given before answering the questions raised at this month 's meeting .
6 Not only does the USSR understand the reality of modern war ; she has been given — perhaps uniquely — a glimpse into war as it might occur in future .
7 Since talking to me , she has been given a council house about fifteen miles from her family home , so at last she and Sean can get on with their lives together .
8 Sharron Davies ' bid to win the 400 metres individual medley title for a record sixth time will be watched with added interest now that she has been given the opportunity to swim the event in Barcelona next month .
9 She has been seen several times over the years .
10 She has been seen visiting AIDS victims in hospices , and shaking hands with them , thus dispelling the fear of infection by touch .
11 But though her well catalogued activities are relatively blameless , she has been seen , sometimes near houses , and with no other wolves to keep her company , she has mixed with dogs .
12 Beforehand , her PR people urge me not to ask her about Eric Clapton ( with whom she has been seen dining on at least one occasion at San Lorenzo 's in London ) , but that she would be willing to talk about her alcoholism .
13 Julie says she has been assured he wo n't have to serve the full sentence .
14 First because he or she has been regarded ( especially in psychoanalytic theory ) as one who fears the difference of the ‘ other ’ or opposite sex , and , in flight from it , narcissistically embraces the same sex instead .
15 She has been regarded as a patron saint of hares ever since .
16 She has been called the mourning Athena , since the bent head suggests grief .
17 From about 1902 she and Bateson were the leading members of the team which started the modern study of plant genetics in Britain ; indeed , she has been called the ‘ mother ’ of British plant genetics .
18 Joseph Chamberlain , not Sidney Webb , was the man of her dreams ; but though she has been credited with overcoming romantic desire for the sake of her own independence , it is clear that she desperately wanted him to propose , with her eyes set on his becoming prime minister .
19 She has been excavated out of the mud that preserved her in La Plata , they say , and virtually rebuilt .
20 For example , an investor might sell for 100p per share one week and if he or she has been proven correct in their expectations may buy the share for say 80p each the following week , thus netting a profit per share of 20p before transactions costs .
21 The House of Lords has asked whether it is sex discrimination , contrary to Directive 76/207/EEC , to dismiss a female employee when she has been engaged for the specific purpose of replacing ( after training ) another female employee who is about to go on maternity leave and when the maternity leave replacement discovers very shortly after appointment that she too is pregnant and will need maternity leave and the employer dismisses her because he needs the job holder to be at work during that period .
22 She has been tormented by what has happened .
23 She has been invited to speak at conferences and study days all over the country .
24 She carries in her wings great power and mystery even though she has been cast in these Cages for so long .
25 But she admitted she has been thrilled at the response the records bring and the millions of fan letters she has been sent over the years .
26 It is only three years since she took up painting dogs as a profession , but in that short time she has been kept constantly in work .
27 Through me , she has been extended .
28 To help her in her task , she has been joined by Corinne Hollingworth , a former producer of EastEnders .
29 I do so because I believe she has been made a scapegoat for what happened .
30 She has been discovered by the feminists , who have rescued her from being seen as a minor pastoralist ; but in certain cases , they have also subject her to psycho-symbolic sexual analysis which she would have loathed , or blamed her for not having cared more for sexual politics or stood out for lesbian sexuality .
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