Example sentences of "she [verb] [pn reflx] to " in BNC.

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1 In the case of Letitia , who had married an Irish baronet , Sir Thomas Wyse , her refusal to accept the Emperor 's decision that she confine herself to being Lady Wyse , dropping all imperial pretensions by calling herself Bonaparte Wyse , led to her being expelled from France .
2 She flung herself to the floor and rolled to safety behind the half-opened door , the Beretta clenched tightly in her gloved hand .
3 For two years she applied herself to her studies with an energy no one had suspected she possessed .
4 Rosalba prayed , often , these days while she waited for Tommaso 's return to Rupe and the walk they would take together , as he had told Caterina they would , and she applied herself to acquiring those skills at crochet , at knitting , at pattern cutting and sewing that Fantina learned from her sisters , who were themselves taught by Auntie Rosa , later , in America .
5 She applied herself to what she had decided was a prototype .
6 Perhaps she was being a complete fool helping Craig Grenfell , was she allowing herself to be taken in by the first handsome man to come into her life ?
7 Why had she exposed herself to the danger of someone remarking on the likeness between her son and her escort , and making the obvious connection ?
8 At no time had she addressed herself to the credibility or otherwise of anything in the report .
9 ‘ Pity she could n't be with us , ’ said Mrs Harper , dangerously : but Shirley had n't the energy to fight back , she helped herself to a spoonful of sage and onion stuffing and sat down to begin her meal .
10 Reaching over the ink-black counter , she helped herself to a tumbler of Spanish coñac and drank it between shaking teeth .
11 She helped herself to a slice of banana bread , which she was about to eat as Stephen and James wandered onto the terrace .
12 ‘ Hallo , ’ said the Englishman as she helped herself to a mug of courtesy coffee at the desk .
13 ‘ Your interviews seem to have been a great success , ’ said Melissa casually as she helped herself to cheese .
14 She saw him again briefly as she helped herself to food .
15 Lindsey felt the faint colour tinge her cheeks as she helped herself to coffee she did n't really want .
16 There was a tight , hard knot in her stomach that seemed to preclude eating , but in a gesture of defiance she helped herself to a platter of seafood .
17 None the less , throughout the autumn and the cold winter that followed , those three hundred yards became three hundred years each and every time , the sign of her defeat , the sign of her capture — she felt herself a wild animal tamed and she devoted herself to Maggie with what appeared to be maternal passion mainly because she felt guilty at her lack of joy in it .
18 And for eight hours she devoted herself to sufferers and staff — smiling , chatting and listening .
19 Remaining single , she devoted herself to a lifetime of campaigning and was , with Bessie Rayner Parkes , Jessie Boucherett , Barbara Bodichon and others , one of the founder members of an organization specifically designed to find work for women , especially the much-spoken-of " half million extra women " in the population who were statistically unlikely to marry .
20 She devoted herself to the ‘ liberal education for all ’ movement .
21 It was a task she devoted herself to while Ted with a most ungentlemanly violence of language put the car into reverse and tried to back up the lane .
22 There in the Legation , remote from family involvements and interference , she devoted herself to my father .
23 She drew herself to her full height .
24 Only after these days can she present herself to the priest for ritual atonement of her impurity :
25 She committed herself to the view that ‘ there was no such thing as society ’ , only individuals and families , an extraordinary reaction against the outlook of the past forty years .
26 By her coarseness she sought to make things easier for him — she committed herself to the relationship , to this way of life , which , God knew , was n't much fun for her .
27 ( f ) She proclaimed herself to the staff nurse to be an ex-Jehovah 's Witness and the notes were recorded accordingly .
28 For , after all , it was not humility that restrained her from believing herself to be at first sight infinitely interesting , for she believed herself to be the equal even of Clelia Denham : it was simply a deference to the law of probability .
29 She believed herself to be ‘ pursued by a malign and inexorable fate ’ , which , although aided by her hasty , unrealistic plans , does seem to have dogged her latter years .
30 To acknowledge it — as the cards insisted that she must — a portion of herself , was to recognize features which were paltry and despicable ; it forced the reluctant awareness that she was , in part at least , a smaller person than she believed herself to be .
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