Example sentences of "this [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 This presumably discouraged a liking for beer .
2 This presumably reflected a belief either that the damage caused by opencasting had been exaggerated by Flowers or that this damage was fully justified by the perceived benefits gained from increased production .
3 This presumably posed a risk to airline uniforms ; was likely to distract passengers ( the male ones at any rate ) at a time when they should have been paying attention to the cabin staff for rather different reasons ; and carried the ultimate danger of the implant exploding .
4 This presumably reflects a relatively weak interaction of P100 with CREB that is easily perturbed under blotting conditions .
5 This eventually set a pattern of official exhibition , from which , as we shall see , there were many crucial later breaks .
6 This effectively risks a breakdown in the Co-operative Principle ( CP ) , though the CP can only really break down by a reader stopping reading .
7 This effectively gives a much smaller ‘ weight ’ to reference resolution than to other parts of the system ; two interpretations that differ only in the referents they assign to anaphors will be much closer together in the sequence of structures presented to the plausibility checker than two interpretations that differ only in some other respect , such as an alternation of word senses .
8 This effectively gives a 6-0-6 volt transformer having a current rating of 250 milliamps .
9 This effectively prevents a church naturally reproducing and having babies .
10 This effectively established a matrix on the database ( Fig 11.10 ) so that an annotation could be made to indicate whether each item of information , in relation to the activity described , was relevant to the functional groups that existed in the EPH , ie the Officers ( OICs ) , Clerical Assistant ( Clerk ) , Care Assistants ( CA ) , Domestic Assistants ( DA ) , the Cook , and the Gardener/handyman ( Gdnr ) .
11 The crucial issue is whether this merely represents a transfer in wealth from the acquirer , or whether there is an increase in wealth overall .
12 This merely involves a couple of beers in the evening , not even light training for the real thing of which Spain has seen far too much .
13 this apparently buys an exhibition gallery utterly inadequate to host even a moderately-sized show ; a restaurant not large enough to serve both staff and members and be an income-generating venue for the public ; a bookshop that needs twice as much space if it is to be the premier one in England ; library and drawings storage that will mean costly out-housing as soon as the new facility is opened ; and finally — my own personal quibble — a drawings collection that will have lost its allure as a magnet for donor support .
14 The interesting point is that , that I feel is , that this is , this , this , this all has a very heavy bearing on the regulatory system , because I think that really we 're now being financial services is a global village and you know whether somebody picks up a phone and di I think in fact did n't you have somebody gave evidence here and said that they could not investigate one of Maxwell 's transactions , because it had gone through the New York office .
15 In neither country were these created in the larger urban areas , but in the principality this only meant a few heavily populated areas in south Wales .
16 But this only exemplifies a much more general unevenness in such welfare provision , affected by many external factors such as local authority politics .
17 However , this only represents a proportion of the total wintering population , as other localities are known to attract substantial flocks ; for example , up to 250 have been recorded recently at Warnham Mill Pond and the Adur Levels , up to 300 at Pevensey Levels , up to 450 at Swanbourne Lake , and 500 in Lewes Brooks .
18 It was extended to Deanshanger in 1888 , but this only lasted a year and then it was closed , as was the track down Creed Street to the Wolverton Goods Yard in 1893 .
19 An economic boom developed in the spring of 1919 , but this only lasted a year and when the Bank Rate was hoisted to 7 per cent in April 1920 , the short-lived social reform programme was terminated .
20 Though H pylori also raises G17 several fold in the fasting state , this only causes a minor increase in fasting serum gastrin which consists predominantly of G34 .
21 It is clear to me that as this only affects a small proportion of the membership and there are good strategic reasons for the larger firms to back the proposal ( eg the demise of the smaller practice ) , unless general practitioners take action now they will only have themselves to blame when their incomes fall and the value of their practices diminishes .
22 However , this only yields an average selling price .
23 ( This only needs a tossed green salad . )
24 This obviously produces an impression which is quite similar to the more dominant " be aware " sense — that of the subject as possessing knowledge — the only difference being that the perfective explicitly evokes this knowledge as the result of the operation of obtaining it .
25 This obviously offers a great potential for sourcing products locally and for pursuing joint ventures either at home or abroad . ’
26 ( This obviously requires a degree of communication and cooperation , an acceptance of ‘ expert ’ as opposed to ‘ position ’ power , which is not so essential in the purely ‘ legal ’ relationships of line structures . )
27 This obviously includes a good awareness of the demands and requirements of the hotel guests .
28 This obviously has a bearing on the design of shop , type of advertising and form of packaging which will satisfy them .
29 This obviously causes a minor slow down in perceived performance as far as the SX chip is concerned , but the percentage difference is small enough to be negligible in real world applications .
30 This obviously stresses a desire to reach a specific cultural community , but more than that Saab 's position also indicates the political aspects of cultural work .
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