Example sentences of "this [adv] [vb -s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This skilfully manipulates alliteration and rhyme in a humorously wry acknowledgement of the archetypally human facility for putting off that effort of intellectual and emotional energy involved in recognising and acting on the truth .
2 This arguably reflects women 's socialisation to be attentive to and concerned about what others think and feel .
3 A pedagogy which denies this perversely creates difficulties which hamper the learner in this task .
4 This effectively replaces SmartDrive and acts as a dedicated hard disk cache .
5 This effectively prevents water-loss by evaporation through the skin , though the animal must doubtless lose some moisture by breathing , which it is able to do through tiny tubes attached to its nostrils and opening through the membrane .
6 Most UK institutions charge loans on a floating rate basis such that they match floating rate liabilities , but this merely increases credit risk , as interest rate risk is passed on to the customer , with subsequent greater probability of defaults occurring .
7 Since this was lithographed , by H. C. Richter , it is also much bigger , in a large folio size instead of quarto ; but with small birds which can be shown life-size on a page of ordinary dimensions , this merely adds splendour
8 Dodging the issue like this only creates feelings of confusion , guilt or resentment .
9 You will tell me that the milkman has refused to continue deliveries , but this only adds weight to my earlier submission that the boat is not only unfit to live in but actually unsafe . "
10 But this only gives information at one point .
11 It is true , as sociologists have recently pointed out , that psychoanalysis , or a variant of it , can become a managerial ideology , and may be used by staff in hospitals in order to control and out-manoeuvre patients , but this only makes sense as a piece of sociology if there is a possibility that in principle , if not in practice , there could be an uncorrupt ideology or ‘ science ’ .
12 This obviously saves time in group sessions , but only if everyone does it .
13 This obviously limits competition in product design and innovation and facilitates uniform pricing of the resulting products .
14 This obviously raises questions about philosophical priority ; is the theory of meaning able to be prior to epistemology and to provide a court of appeal for epistemological debate ?
15 This obviously stops collusion at the manufacturing stage being undone by price competition at the point of sale to the ultimate buyer .
16 This obviously worries Tim .
17 The vendors need a ‘ more intimate relationship than they 're getting in Corba , ’ to get this together believes Moss .
18 This literally causes water to pile up in the western Pacific : a veritable hill of water .
19 To achieve this necessarily takes time and it is thus the means and goals which we should examine today rather than the setting first of arbitrary ( financial ) parameters .
20 This necessarily causes delay .
21 This perhaps represents Owen 's line of thought with him becoming more and more emotional to the middles of the verse , reaching climaxes and then , as it is as if he questions this freely running thought process , and he limits himself to so much emotion by the end of each verse .
22 This alone improves NEC by around £70/kW/ year and the final NEC works out at the much more favourable — £93/kW/year .
23 In practice , workers under the age of 20 do not receive payments and this especially affects women because girls have tended to leave full-time education earlier than boys .
24 Changes in contribution conditions mean that higher paid people qualify for benefits faster than lower paid people and this especially affects women who make up the majority of low-paid workers .
25 This greatly aids management and the nature of these systems makes them very easy to tie into computer control .
26 This soon becomes path , bending left in front of caravan site and crossing edge of field before running close to cliff ( there is always a fence between you and the edge ) .
27 It is true that the first of the pair begins like the piece on p.88 , with a figured Trommelbass accompaniment , but this soon gives way to a rising broken triad in semiquaver triplets which dominates from then on .
28 Film superstar Alan Rickman took a little time to settle comfortably into the stage mantle of Shakespeare 's much-wronged prince , as if the echo of his own voice was vying with King Hamlet 's exhortations to do the deed , but this soon gives way to a gentle yet powerful Hamlet .
29 This just gives time for production and dispatch to members giving them at least a clear month before the next event .
30 This normally encompasses balances , status , arrears , movers and a full payment history which involves complete confidence in sharing information .
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