Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Given the influence over the culture and literacy of the majority of the population of an " unpropitious environment " and " alternative cultural media " , Bantock claims that attempts through education to impose a " book culture " on this majority merely inflict upon them an unacceptable " strain " .
2 Libraries of this kind normally aim to achieve a certain standard of appearance in their bookstock , though the standard itself is inevitably governed by the size of the bookfund .
3 Considerations of this kind probably help to account for some interesting changes in the tenure of offices during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries .
4 Networked virtual reality systems of this kind already enable their users to meet each other in various virtual realities allowing multi-player games .
5 There was also an increase of 9 per cent in the number of posts dependent upon outside funding , and posts of this kind now constitute one-third of all appointments .
6 Co-ventures of this kind certainly do little to change the stereotyped European image of Latin America .
7 Restrictions of this kind usually relate to changes to the share capital or constitution of the company ; any transactions outside the usual scope of its business or material transactions within the scope of its business ; and transactions between the company and management .
8 Methods of this kind necessarily begin by assuming that there is something mysterious , arcane or difficult about power which makes it ultimately an elusive concept .
9 Fry deliberately wrote the next part of his essay in a railway refreshment room ( ‘ One must remember that public places of this kind merely reflect the average citizen 's soul , as expressed in his home ’ ) .
10 Ambiguities of this kind constantly disturb our attempts to describe the social organization of Europe at this time ; and behind them all lies a more fundamental uncertainty .
11 This is all very much to the good but my inner voice keeps muttering ‘ That 's not it at all ’ — because studies of this kind never attempt to cross the boundary-line between behaviour and inner experience , and thus tend to side-track the issue I am raising here .
12 However , although there have been tremendous developments in this field there remain many unanswered questions .
13 If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity please sign and return the attached undertaking of confidentiality to me .
14 I think that that case is distinguishable from this on that ground , and also on the ground that in my view none of the statements in the leaflet in this case actually impute corruption .
15 It was n't put here , unfortunately of course in this case there have been no witness statements exchanged .
16 Look , this bit here look !
17 Students who have reached this level also need access to a good source of general knowledge , and particularly of British and American cultural information .
18 The researchers do not yet know whether the abnormal cells detected by this technique always become cancerous , but long-term clinical trials should give the answer .
19 He so calls it because the properties with which people committing this fallacy typically identify good are natural properties .
20 We 'll have to ring this vet up see where your cards are .
21 I mean , as councillor is aware in trying to move around this building there have been some changes in use of digital locks on some of the doors .
22 The chief executive or clerk of the authority will for the purpose of avoiding disqualification under this provision usually prepare the form in readiness so that as soon as the councillor is elected he may make the declaration as required .
23 The illicit drug in commonest use is cannabis and the majority of low or moderate users of this drug rarely experience adverse effects on their health although they may , of course , find themselves at odds with the law .
24 My achievements in this department now pass unnoticed .
25 Data from this study also show that some people do retain relationships which they use for confiding and support , especially with their mothers , and this is regarded as appropriate , especially for women to get support with concerns that essentially are ‘ women 's business , .
26 The results of this study clearly suggest that the decreased fluid transport seen in the jejunum on days 6–9 after inoculation was at least partly mediated via activation of the enteric nervous system .
27 For those whose main interest lies only in the formalistic approach to physics , these results will have little impact , but to those who are interested in trying to understand further the implications of this non-locality there remain intriguing questions , which must be carefully examined in depth .
28 The predators considered in this chapter generally consume most or all of the bodies of their prey .
29 The case studies by Rapp , Berry and Temple ( 1973 ) which were referred to earlier in this chapter also illustrate all the major reasons for failure of conservation in Tanganyika and post-colonial Tanzania - technical incompetence and incompatibility with existing agricultural practice has already been mentioned — also attempts at coercion of peasants to build erosion works ( p. 1 17 , 250 ) , and a lack of participation , with an excess of petty restrictions ( p. 251 ) .
30 Some of the documents reproduced in this pamphlet certainly provide disturbing evidence of the politicization of the curriculum , especially in parts of the ILEA , and to expose this was part of the purpose of the pamphlet .
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