Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [pron] first " in BNC.

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1 It is this experience which first tempted Sohl to seek out the Geordie and eventually bring him down south .
2 And Guy Husband , he 's new to the Sovbloc desk ; if he pulls this offin his first few months , he could become a living legend . ’
3 In this chapter I first consider the underlying rules for associative learning and suggest that some useful general principles have already been uncovered .
4 To derive this law we first establish the following law as a lemma : unc The right hand side may be transformed to unc by repeated use of unc and
5 To answer this question we first recall the standard description of the birth of a black hole through the phenomenon of ‘ gravitational collapse ’ .
6 At this point we first go beyond novelty into apparent paradox , for the most outstanding achievement of nineteenth-century physics had been to establish the indubitably wave-like character of light .
7 To show how policy can be effective in this model we first consider the case in which the authorities simply set the money supply to be constant , so that and are zero ( that is , expectations are always correct ) .
8 In evaluating this expression we first note that the metric connections are linear in h ; hence to a first approximation in h the form ( 7.4 ) or ( 7.5 ) can be used for the Riemann curvature tensor rather than ( 7.3 ) .
9 The present private health service companies like B U P A , that already , are all ready to move into the front door and take over , so this year my first report on the N H S could be replaced in nineteen ninety four on the report on the private health care industry unless we take action .
10 IN THIS COUNTRY we first knew Krzysztof Kieslowski as director and co-writer of two imaginative but sharply realistic pieces : A Short Film About Killing , a painful record of capital punishment , and A Short Film About Love , a study of a misunderstood attachment ; both dealt with concrete interpretations of the Ten Commandments .
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