Example sentences of "by the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 At any moment the fortunes of ICI are more likely to be affected by the trend in exchange rates , or oil prices , or the budgetary policies of the United States of America , or the attitude to international trade of the Japanese , than by things which are more directly within our own control .
2 You 'll be out swinging a tiger by the tail in no time . ’
3 The same is true of free , fit , apt , able , etc. , all of which denote a quality in the person designated as the support which predisposes him to realize the action referred to by the infinitive in a certain way .
4 Some of the gains made by the nobility in the campaigns of the 1340s and 1350s have already been discussed , but the opportunities for enrichment were open to men of all ranks .
5 The part played by the nobility in the debates about taxation in these years has never been satisfactorily analysed , but it appears that the initiative lay almost entirely with the commons .
6 It is the fact that when people and territory previously ruled by the Crown in Parliament become a separate and independent state , we do not , because we can not , endow it with a statehood like our own .
7 Their lands , which had been seized by the crown in 1308 , by papal decree should have been transferred in 1312 to the Order of the Hospitallers , but in England this transfer was not carried out for some years , during which the king continued to profit from the estates .
8 These entries related to royal debts assigned to Elijah by way of compensation for debts pardoned by the Crown in favour of the abbey of Stratford , and the alterations allegedly had the effect of enriching Elijah at the Crown 's expense .
9 Knyvet provides an interesting illustration of the problems faced by the Crown in raising revenue .
10 In an action brought by the Crown in 1636 , he was accused of felling 19,320 trees reserved for shipbuilding , and of having consumed annually 300,000 loads of wood in his ironworks over the preceding seven years .
11 The inspectors , appointed by the Crown in order to avoid governmental interference , had right of access to virtually any chemical company .
12 The period covered by the narrative in Acts begins shortly after the Crucifixion and ends somewhere between A.D. 64 and 67 .
13 It is thus worth summarising the historical background covered by the narrative in Acts .
14 Rachel was silent , watching him steadily , held in check by the menace in his hard face , her heart beating very hard indeed .
15 The hardship and neglect suffered by the sick was confirmed by a report published by the Lancet in 1866 .
16 Unacceptable side effects were mitigated by the development in 1853 of a new compound between acetyl chloride and sodium salicylate which proved more digestible .
17 NTSB told ACN it actually had the right by international agreement to make its own investigation , but that , by protocol , it normally waits until invited by the country in which the accident of a U.S. registered airplane occurs .
18 Subarctic fishing grounds that were once free for all are now controlled by the country in whose EEZ they lie .
19 It measured 7.4 on the Richter scale , making it the third-largest to be experienced by the country in the 20th century .
20 Whether an application is dealt with by the council in committee or under delegated powers , you should receive a letter stating the outcome of the case if you submitted comments .
21 The coup-de-grace was administered by the Council in October 1960 , when it was decided that the cost of relaying the Squires Gate route could not be justified , and it would close in October 1961 .
22 Various alternative uses have been suggested by the council in its attempts to justify the closure , but its main plank has been the need for housing .
23 ‘ Approved duties ’ included council and committee meetings and other duties approved by the council in accordance with its functions .
24 The implementation of these concessions , made by the captive King John in London , was refused by the council in France , and late in 1359 Edward set out with a large army for France to see how persuasive a strong show of force could be .
25 The number of European events supported by the Council in 1992 is too extensive to list , but the following give a flavour of what happened :
26 Also in October , around 200 delegates representing regional governments in Europe attended the ‘ Regional Summit ’ which was sponsored by the Council in its capacity as a member of the East of Scotland European Consortium
27 The Council water charges are set by the Regional Council each year in order to cover the costs of providing a water service to domestic consumers , in this regard separate accounts must be maintained by the Council in respect of water costs and income from the Council water charges .
28 I would hope , however , that any grant received by the Council in respect of a private sector partners investment in a joint project could be treated differently .
29 Following the publication by the Council in 1983 of the report ‘ Microcomputers in Education : A framework for research ’ by Mr Morley Sage and Mr David Smith , the Education and Human Development Committee embarked on a series of consultation exercises involving researchers , policy makers and practitioners .
30 In view of the number of changes in education , a fundamental strategic review of the Association 's role in this area was undertaken and approved by the Council in December 1992 .
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