Example sentences of "by [art] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 For Saussure the meaning of words does not depend in any way on their relationship with things ; it is wholly determined by the arbitrary and conventional structure of language .
2 Attempts to reduce the balancing outflow of bullion were having some effect by the 1760s and 1770s , however .
3 This was a genuine and reasonable cause for concern at a time when the peace of the Onny valley was not disturbed by the frequent and fast motor traffic of today , but only by the infrequent passage of a Bishop 's Castle Railway train .
4 Publication was stimulated by the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century revival of interest in folk customs , and accounts from many places throughout the British Isles and beyond are to be found in published collections , often by county .
5 ‘ Exports , backed by the systematic and aggressive help of government , provided the spark , and — with cotton textiles — the ‘ leading sector ’ of industry ’ ( Hobsbawm , 1969 ) .
6 Welcomed aboard by the young and good looking French crew we walked through the automatic glass sliding doors into the air conditioned reception room and through to the main lounge finished with luxurious mint green leather settees , a piano and cocktail bar .
7 Once married , Arnold began to give parties , admirably hosted by the young and vivacious Nancy , for the artists before whom he became speechless with respect .
8 Jean is played by the young and excellent Irish actor , Dan Mullane , and Kristin , in a plausible Irish accent , by Selina Griffiths , newly graduated from the Central School and very promising .
9 Indeed , even where homophobia is directly connected with a disturbing repression and/or neurosis , the actual psychic dislocation involved may be very effectively offset by the political and cultural gains of homophobic displacement .
10 Fusion between government and business institutions was enforced by the political and economic crisis of the 1930s which compelled state officials and monopoly capitalists to pursue joint regulation of the capitalist economy in an attempt to manage its contradictions .
11 They know their families ' business or farming interests have been very hard hit by the political and economic disruptions .
12 The implication is that he has not only been deeply disgusted by the political and social oppression in capitalist and colonial France , but has also been fatally attracted to the entirely new set of social relations apparently emerging in the post-revolutionary situation in the Soviet Union .
13 The country was still almost untouched by the political and industrial revolution that and gradually spread form its core in Europe .
14 Haussmann indicated that the West German economy was well placed for a continuation of these favourable trends and , more broadly , for the challenges presented by the political and economic transformation in East Germany and for completion of the EC internal market by the end of 1992 .
15 Lear was captivated by the extraordinary and extrovert family of parrots .
16 Snaking between its constituent parts was the controversial and overwhelming city ring road designed by the successive and all-powerful city engineers , Herbert Manzoni and Neville Borg .
17 At the conclusion of the service the deep silence was broken by the mournful and pathetic notes of ‘ Land of the Leal ’ and ‘ Flowers of the Forest ’ , by a lone piper of the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders .
18 There may well have been something lacking in the lives of the millions but that need had to be catered for and the catering was done by the ingenious and indefatigable army of commercial opportunists whose energy and boldness tell us an enormous amount about that age .
19 But now she was visibly shocked by the drained and haggard-looking face which kissed her .
20 The budgets of course proposed by the Liberal and Labour groups , have some aspects which would be desirable .
21 There are no real features — a low relief gangway here , a slashed crack there , a stiffening of angle at two thirds height seize the imagination of the guide-writer more than that of the viewing climber , who will want to go from bottom to top by the smoothest and straightest way .
22 The members of the Board felt that a community approach was essential and hoped that our work with the community would complement the work being carried out by the above and other organisations in the area .
23 The business meeting disclosed that the BDDA had survived the first year successfully , but that its formation had not been greeted with enthusiasm by the deaf and dumb of the United Kingdom .
24 It bore a plaque inscribed : " Presented to the British Red Cross Society by the Deaf and Dumb of Great Britain , under the auspices of the BDDA . "
25 In the mean-time he took part in the debate with the following letter : The BDDA was founded by the Deaf and Dumb for the Deaf and Dumb .
26 He knew they were trying to tell him something in the sign language used by the deaf and dumb .
27 This is a continuation from the S1 course , and is mainly concerned with an appreciation of the everyday problems experienced by the deaf and blind .
28 The railways had to be driven by the fastest and most convenient route .
29 She seemed slightly awed by the size of the building , by the large white-columned portico and the four stone steps that had to be climbed to reach it , by the cleaned and refaced brickwork and the elegant white shutters on the windows .
30 Their teacher has said that the project ‘ has opened their eyes to the problems that have to be met by the elderly and disabled . ’
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