Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [pron] from " in BNC.

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1 A HOSPITAL technician killed his heavily pregnant wife by hanging her from a garage roof beam , it was alleged in court yesterday .
2 This lining can be fitted to the outer curtain by hanging it from the same curtain hooks ( fig. 26a ) , or from the base of the glider on a track with combined hook/gliders ( fig. 26b ) .
3 It was plain that this could not be regarded as a trust of the estate in favour of her sister , who was coheir , since the testator wanted not to dispose of his own money but on the pretext of advice to derogate from her rights by prohibiting her from making a will .
4 The emperor pronounced that a trust was due on these words as if , by prohibiting her from making a will , he had requested that she should make her brother heir : the wording is to be treated as if he had asked her to make over his estate .
5 The first , and most obvious , is the desire to prevent the unjust enrichment of criminals by prohibiting them from exploiting their crimes .
6 It has also stood Marx on his head , by transforming itself from a classless society into a caste society ( if at the same time gratifying Lenin 's hope that the intermediate stage of class society might be bypassed ) .
7 How could the best interests of the children be served by tearing them from their beds and flying them away from their island home to be completely separated from everything dear and familiar .
8 Prince Albert , who did much to promote a concern for working-class housing , not least by dying himself from typhoid , gave his name to a model building for four families which , although again intended for artisans , had been rejected as too ambitious by the organizers of the Great Exhibition ( Fig. 37 ) .
9 Even if an ineffective treatment does not in itself cause damage it may harm patients by raising false expectations or by deflecting them from a better treatment , so this criterion would leave virtually all unproved treatment open to investigation .
10 Masochistically subjecting himself to punishment in a gymnasium , incurring injury by hurling himself from windows or roofs , he achieves final atonement through an Italian hitman 's bullet .
11 In 1985–6 , the government transferred a quarter of the overall funding for work-related FE courses in further education colleges from local authorities ' budgets ( by deducting it from the rate support grant , the predecessor of the revenue support grant ; see Chapter 8 ) to the MSC .
12 Its owners move themselves about by protruding it from the shell and rippling its undersurface .
13 An animal acquires the behaviour pattern by imitating it from another .
14 These are usually studied by separating them from a crushed rock with heavy liquids , notably tetrabromoethane , which is extremely toxic .
15 Back in prehistoric times , the river which we now call the Thames was created by rains falling on hilly ground on the western side of this country , and meandering lazily until it found its way into the sea on the eastern side of the continental peninsular which became an island by separating itself from the continent of Europe .
16 If the Communists were steadily driven out of the Labour Party and expedited the process by withdrawing themselves from the official levels of the labour movement , the Independent Labour Party drifted uncertainly into opposition to the Labour leadership and finally expelled itself from the party it had helped to found .
17 Among the manifestations of this conflict are cases where parents have challenged the content of their child 's education by withdrawing him/her from school .
18 Dr Winnifred Cutler , director of the Athena Institute for Women 's Wellness in Philadelphia , discovered that if male pheromones could be attached to women who were n't having regular sex ( by extracting them from men and taping them to women 's upper lips ) then this worked to regulate periods almost as well as regular sex .
19 But , as in most places , shortages were eased by ingenious home-made car parts and machinery , by pooling transport where possible and , for instance , easing the salt shortage by extracting it from the sea .
20 In the years 1980–1 and 1981–2 , however , some local authorities have helped their local institutions to bridge the gap between their budgets and pool allocations by funding them from additional rate-borne expenditure .
21 By absenting himself from her court , by this final and suicidal invisibility , he has denied her her heart 's desire .
22 If this occurs , try to contain such behaviour by discouraging anyone from sexual activity or from exposing themselves in public .
23 Some tried to help the poor by removing them from their environment , others aimed to change that environment and to help families and individuals within it .
24 The reasoning behind it being that she would not be able to come to terms with the notion of her mother being dead , so by removing her from the place where the tragedy had occurred and allowing enough time to pass , she would better be able to come to terms with her loss .
25 ‘ You will have demonstrated that you are his servant , for by removing yourself from the court at such a crucial hour you will have proved to him that he was right to trust you . ’
26 Throughout the 1870s the Prussian Lands began to restrict the use of the Polish language by removing it from schools , churches , courts and local government .
27 Secret As soon as the first four figures — 1978 are written down , you obtain the final result by subtracting one from the right hand figure and adding it to the front .
28 If Ingard had bought a pup , it seemed wholly improbable that any other shrewd financier would oblige by buying it from him .
29 According to Schleiermacher , each positive religion contains something of the true nature of religion , and the ‘ primordial form ’ , the ‘ essence ’ , or ‘ transcendental unity ’ of religion , is comprehended not by deducing it from the common elements of particular religions as a kind of abstraction , but in and through the language and traditions of particular religions .
30 I did get around this by approaching it from the other side : I added gain to the clean modes and it all came together well .
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