Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bones grow by accumulating crystals of minerals .
2 Hastings ' contribution more probably consisted of stirring up others by articulating anxieties about the future role of the Woodvilles and , perhaps , by canvassing the possibility of a protector as a viable alternative .
3 Hastings ' contribution more probably consisted of stirring up others by articulating anxieties about the future role of the Woodvilles and , perhaps , by canvassing the possibility of a protector as a viable alternative .
4 And you think that by waging war against them you will resolve this present situation . ’
5 Take wonderful advantage of a double affinity by cooking cabbage in very little water with masses of black pepper , draining , adding more black pepper and finely-chopped pineapple , with or without butter .
6 Reformers continually blurred the occupational role of wage-earning youth by fusing economics with ‘ character ’ , and in presenting youth as ‘ raw material ’ for the future .
7 Just as Public Enemy , Ice-T , the Beastie Boys and the Chili Peppers have all found wider audiences by fusing rap with rock , these acts also cast their nets wide , attracting people who are n't into the aggressive , in-yer-face style of hardcore rap .
8 These are designed to encourage even development throughout the Community : for example , by helping to retrain the long-term unemployed , or by channelling aid to poorer member-states and to regions hit by the decline of old industries .
9 Flower arrangers can test their skills by submitting designs for that posy , and colleagues will choose the winning entry to be made up for 2 July .
10 PIC began by expanding the Summer Jobs Programme for students who had reached the legal school-leaving age of 16 and by assisting students through the Jobs Collaborative Programme to find quality jobs on graduation at 18 .
11 Summit leaders called on all countries to contribute to Third World aid by assisting victims of " the unprecedented drought in southern Africa " .
12 After breakfast he had flattered his ego by assisting Patricia with her homework .
13 Instead of increasing the flexibility of our defence forces by rectifying weaknesses in our conventional defences , the British government is spending £10 000 million on the Trident strategic missile system and is encouraging the US also to divert resources into dangerous non-essentials like cruise missiles .
14 Besides causing direct damage by sucking blood through its piercing mouthparts , it leaves the site of the wound vulnerable to secondary bacterial and fungal infection : it can also transmit viral diseases .
15 Finally , functional elites may be offered incorporation within the policy process in order to compel them to sacrifice their organizational muscle , and to undertake the state 's dirty work by disciplining dissidents within their organizations .
16 Oh : car of menace , car of blight Cars the atmosphere ignite Greenhouse warming , Havoc forming Parkinson must see us right We 're au fait with entropy Gaia , Ecosphere , synergy Words for greening But their meaning 's A linguistic mystery Oh : politicians must invent Worship of environment Genuflecting by reflecting Words of verdant bafflement Now our water 's unfit to drink Too much aluminium and zinc No solution To pollution No-one can stand the stink Oh : public filth and pestilence Highlights private opulence Does the glitter , clear the litter All it needs is pounds and pence GOD REST YE MERRY God rest ye merry , gentle Greens Let nothing you dismay The much foretold apocalypse Is now well under way Not even Mr Gorbachev Can stop the world 's decay Oh , tidings of comfort and joy , Oh , tidings of comfort and joy We ca n't eat meat or hens or fish The farming is too cruel The only food we now permit Is foul organic gruel Irradiated food and veg Now double up as fuel Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Now everybody wants a car Though noise and fumes are vile The Iron Curtain fractures and The jams stretch back for miles Mobility and liberty Can not be reconciled Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy We think that greenhouse warming will Bring on the world 's demise If forests burn it 's not just trees but mankind too that fries But all this may be garbage Because scientists tell lies Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Consumers must buy less to reach Sustainability For galloping consumption is More lethal than TB So much for Third World dreams of fleeing Grinding poverty Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Unless we stop producing kids The planet will not cope No hope for birth controllers short of Kidnapping the Pope But since the Greens recycle people they May turn us into soap Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy In searching for clean energy The choice is pretty stark The floods that come when coal is burnt will keep us in the Ark But had Lord Marshall got his way We 'd all glow in the dark Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Dumb animals are much preferrred To flawed humanity Ill-treatment of old people may Provoke insanity But culling seals and whales is judged The worst profanity Oh tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Now Mrs Thatcher goes bright green A highly suspect hue Her policies have after all Kept filth and squalor blue It 's just another way she 's found To tell us what to do Oh , tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy With greenhouse gases , PCBs Sulphuric acid rain This fragile globe 's environment Is going down the drain It is a cosmic punishment That we ca n't start again Oh , tidings of comfort and joy , Oh tidings of comfort and joy Melanie Phillips OVERNIGHT FILE
17 Quotation three , for example , explicitly announces its mode by naming Nietzsche as the source of the proposition .
18 When you are on to more advanced machine knitting and attempt some intarsia knitting , that is , knitting blocks and strips of colour adjacent without floats at the back , by means of an intarsia carriage , you will be able to make coloured cable strips without knitting the contrast separately simply by knitting strips of colour side by side and cable crossing them .
19 Allen 's attitude is playfully anarchic ; with a childlike spirit she gleefully undermines the serious , ‘ male ’ pose of the sculptor by knitting socks for her concrete sculpture , or producing what even she describes as ‘ grotesque object ’ .
20 So again if you 're unfamiliar with this yarn and needle arrangement , start by knitting stripes in full needle rib .
21 With a pair of knitting needles you can make the joining of three stitches together , with a hole on each side , by knitting yarn round needle , yarn round needle , thus starting with three stitches and ending with three stitches .
22 A trigger for leukotriene synthesis may be the formation by ionising radiation of lipid peroxides , which may in turn promote synthesis of leukotrienes by LTA 4 hydrolase .
23 They reacted by inventing ways of avoiding teachers ' authority , escaping from supervision and doing the things which they valued most : smoking , drinking , swearing and wearing their own variation on the school uniform .
24 Used in this way the comparative approach can afford a perspective and lead to greater insight into domestic issues by sharpening understanding of the same phenomena in one 's own country .
25 Gleizes and Metzinger , themselves painters , and fascinated by purely formal pictorial problems , also began by seeing abstraction as the logical end , although they rapidly retreated and admitted the need , for the moment at least , of a certain coefficient of realism : ‘ … the painting imitates nothing and … must justify its existence in itself …
26 Rather , Marx argued , the nature of man could only be revealed by seeing man in society , in history , and in politics .
27 As Secretary , make sure in advance that there will be a quorum present by seeing members of the committee individually and getting them to turn up promptly .
28 More than half ( 61% ) of those who replied had learned of the Library 's exhibitions by seeing posters outside the Library , while other ( 24% and 20% respectively ) had learned of them by seeing advertisements , or by talking to friends .
29 After fulling , the cloth was well rinsed and , now reduced from 35″ to 27″ in width , was taken to the tenter ground to be stretched to shape by fastening hooks in the selvedge and attaching them to the tenter frames .
30 In January 1991 Özal antagonized conservative nationalist currents within the ANAP by easing restrictions on the use of the Kurdish language , hoping thereby to improve Turkey 's minority rights record and to undercut support for the Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) , which since 1984 had been waging a violent campaign in support of separatist demands .
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