Example sentences of "by [adj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty years later the population had risen by 478 but the proportion of the workforce employed in footwear had grown more dramatically , so that not only were 301 men and boys working at the trade but also 123 women and 118 girls .
2 I would add to that the outrageous claims made by Labour that the Tories were going to privatise the NHS .
3 Whatever advertisers and their agencies may think about the respective merits of Conservative , Labour or even Liberal Democrat administrations , general election mean a windfall of about £10m worth of business for media owners and a favoured few advertising agencies — reportedly some £8m of that spent by the Conservatives , £2m by Labour and a meagre £250,000 by the Liberal Democrats .
4 It was a brutally cool , ruthless demolition of the hopes built up — for respectively conflicting reasons — by Labour and a potentially powerful collection of Conservative Euro-sceptics .
5 A minority government formed by Labour or the Conservatives would , he maintained , create instability and uncertainty rather than work constructively for a partnership government which would last for a parliament .
6 To many scholars of the early Anglo-Saxon period the study of artefacts with a view to placing them into dated sequences is archaeology and is accompanied by little or no questioning of the basis of the method .
7 The authoritarian family , on the other hand , is characterized by unequal inheritance and unbroken patrimony to just one son , by only the married heir cohabiting with his parents , and by little or no marriage between the children of two brothers .
8 Closures had practically ceased by 1980 but a far greater force had by then begun to take effect .
9 Erm , nothing derogatory meant er by that because the reason photographs are used for chocolate boxes and biscuits and things and jigsaw puzzles is cos they 're good photographs and they , they 're subjects which people like .
10 The view that the East Ropery Banks site might be considered for ‘ high value ’ housing in order to provide potential consumers for the shopping centre had first been expressed in the Poulson Report of 1965 , but it had greater saliency by 1971 because the authority was already dealing with its second property company ( Town and City ) and it was clear that market conditions made the redevelopment of North Shields centre a highly marginal project .
11 In response to claims by MAS that the BBC has circulated a list of 67 records that they have allegedly ‘ banned ’ due to their being unlistenable , a spokesperson for Radio 1 said ‘ Absolutely .
12 Go to discos , but Home by Eleven and No Steady Boys .
13 Eleven by eleven and a half foot I want .
14 Eleven eleven by eleven and a half foot .
15 As we examine the dominant beliefs of the two alliances , it must be stressed that we are not looking at beliefs possessed by each and every person who identifies to a greater or lesser extent with either set of traditions .
16 The principle of equality of political power which is embodied in the possession by each and every citizen of one vote stands in sharp contrast to the blatant inequalities in the distribution of political power in almost every other important respect .
17 The alternative of deciding not to get involved in any but the most obvious and serious cases means that an enormous amount of damage can be done by each and every suffering individual both to himself or herself and to the Company while he or she progresses inexorably towards becoming a " serious case " .
18 Even a temporary relapse back to old behaviour and its damaging consequences may itself hopefully be a therapeutic process because it acts as a reminder that recovery is a continuing process that has to be worked for on a continuing basis by each and every recovering person .
19 Yet each day these tensions are coped with in some fashion by each and every teacher .
20 However society decides to value the benefit of saving human life , an efficient allocation would adopt health and safety regulations up to the point at which the marginal social cost of saving life by each and every means was equal to the marginal social benefit of saving life .
21 Where the property of A is mixed with that of B which is of substantially the same nature and quality and they can not practicably be separated ( grain in a bin , oil in a tank ) the mixture is owned in common in proportion to the quantity contributed by each and the law is the same whether the mixing is wrongful or by consent .
22 Although their capital appreciation might eventually benefit pensioners , it was felt inappropriate by some that a fund should invest in ‘ unproductive ’ assets .
23 It has been suggested by some that the government and employers were left free to reduce wages and to rationalize industry , and trade union membership did decline from 5.5 million in 1925 to about 4.8 million in 1928 .
24 Yet although attempts were made to assure the British public that telephone-tapping was conducted in the most exceptional and in the most highly controlled circumstances , it was suspected by some that the practice was very different .
25 Here there is a large philosophical dispute , and we shall be told by some that the answer is no .
26 It has been claimed by some that the apparent warming trend was in fact only a reflection of the " urban heat island effect " , because most of the records come from cities .
27 Such things may be seen by some as the inevitable watering down of the faith ; that the alternative to fundamentalism is a blurring of the lines and the inability of the Church to address the world .
28 Encouraged by the spirit of the enterprise culture this was so prevalent by 1985 that the Insolvency Act of 1985 was set up to control liquidation fraudsters , and mainly involved asset stripping .
29 The mine is to become operational by 1985 but the cost of producing the coal in conditions where the hydraulic systems of the excavators freeze and burst in the intense cold is such that only by CPE ( Centrally Planned Economy ) economics would the project be viable .
30 He meant by this that the areas of colour in his painting were not to be blended by the eye but were to be seen as acting on each other reciprocally , thus producing pictorial form and space .
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