Example sentences of "by [verb] how the " in BNC.

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1 They begin by explaining how the spectrum keyboard works .
2 After the therapist has introduced him/herself , explaining something about their profession , and the actual referral process , they might continue by explaining how the first session will proceed .
3 These quandaries can only be overcome , I believe , by remembering how the dinosaur species emerged , and how it died off in relays , and that there was a great diversity of size .
4 The scientists analysed their crystal structure by measuring how the coccoliths scatter light rays and electrons and found that they all shared common features of crystal organisation throughout their history .
5 But in cases of doubt the definition at point ( B ) 4 should be consulted and the particular place proved by describing how the place comes within the definition .
6 This social creation of significant labels can be demonstrated by noting how the salience of labels changes over time .
7 One of the main questions that the following chapters try to address is how these pressures fed through into changes in industrial relations strategies and practices in the enterprises.The rest of this chapter lays the groundwork for this examination by considering how the general relationship between public enterprise and the state has evolved under the pressures of ‘ commercialism ’ .
8 Thus by considering how the vector representation of ( ) changes in the s-plane diagram as ο varies , the frequency dependences of both the magnitude and phase of G ( ο); can be visualised .
9 Try to round off your answer by demonstrating how the old job has fitted you to take on the job you are applying for .
10 In this section we address this question by examining how the differing theories approach , first , the international dimension and , second , structural change .
11 It considers the various pension reforms aimed at breaking the link between poverty and old age , and concludes by examining how the Thatcher Government 's scaling down of SERPS ( the State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme ) will ensure that today 's underclass take their poverty into old age .
12 The class teacher will also gain a good deal of useful information by observing how the visually handicapped pupils handle and attempt to use visual material .
13 By comparing the film Apocalypse Now ( 1978 ) with the story on which it is based — Joseph Conrad 's " Heart of Darkness " ( 1902 ) — you might gain ideas about differences between film and writing as media , or differences between an early twentieth-century text and a late twentieth-century text ; you might also get ideas about narrative by comparing how the two narratives are the same and how they differ .
14 Only by knowing how the processor was constructed could you say whether that state signified anything .
15 Which category a given term belongs to , this can be shown by explicating its internal grammar , i.e. by showing how the term in question can be appropriately used in a sentential context .
16 When displayed in the great cities of the east , and in the capitals of Europe , the larger dinosaurs seemed to confirm the superiority of modern industrial society by showing how the world had been conquered both in space and time .
17 On this view , theories are deductive systems of thought in which " facts " are deduced from higher order principles , much like geometricians effect a proof by showing how the conclusion logically follows from one or two general premises or postulates .
18 So by studying how the life habits of living bivalves are reflected in the shapes of the shells we can make deductions about how the fossils lived .
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