Example sentences of "at a time [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 His twenty-one months as a prisoner of war at Karlsruhe would have been satisfactory , he later calculated , ‘ had I been able to bank them and draw them two or three weeks at a time whenever I wanted a respite from ordinary experience ’ .
2 This passage was written , incidentally , at a time when he was not well informed about Klee 's own ideas .
3 The quotation is from an article of 1954 , at a time when Picasso 's reputation was very high .
4 WE live at a time when reporters go to foreign countries where there is trouble and come back to write books in which they say that it was hard to make out what was going on .
5 His story begins at a time when , as at other times in this century , the patriciate , and the merely rich , had slipped down into marked collusion with the smart , with upstarts and bohemians .
6 This kind of move came at a time when Tetley 's , along with other arms of Allied Breweries , espoused and encouraged a culture of well-informed and caring in-house designers .
7 They were typical of part of what it was like to be homeless — having nowhere to go ; having to avoid all representatives of authority ; feeling tired and generally run-down ; and needing to have my wits at their sharpest at a time when they had become critically undernourished .
8 This tendency to dichotomize policemen against the social reformer even led the ex-police liberal John Alderson uncharacteristically to describe the historian E. P. Thompson as being ‘ an unfair critic of the police ’ ( Public Office , Granada TV , 20 June 1980 ) ; and this at a time when Thompson ( 1980 ) had just pointed out that most policemen are ‘ ordinary blokes , and no society could do without them in dealing with many of its sordid realities ’ .
9 If Let Us Compare Mytholoqies marks the awakening of his poetic consciousness when the city of Montreal ( and all that was in it , not excluding its female charms ) ‘ began to jump at me , ’ The Spice-Box Of Earth marks the heightening of his Jewish consciousness which he encountered in young adulthood , as a free agent abroad in the world , having to establish his own identity at a time when his own Tradition , and his position in it , began likewise to jump at him .
10 A The first kind developed out of the Romantic movement which emerged at a time when artists of all kinds rebelled against being servants in wealthy households , obeying their patrons ' orders and being regulated by religious , political and other advisers .
11 The Anchor brewery had been built in 1757 by a couple of brewers from Bethnal Green called Wastfield and Moss , at a time when the district was so quiet and un-built-up you could still see ships passing on the Thames from the brewery windows .
12 At a time when plans for global communications seem to rest on the semantics of international standards , Greg Grant looks back to the Victorian adventurers who conquered nature to put a communication girdle around the world .
13 His major work was done in Russia in the 1930s and 1940s , he suffered Stalinist repression , was partly rehabilitated , and died in 1975 , at a time when very few people in the West had heard of him .
14 At a time when a good public image is essential for universities , English is unable to explain itself in ways immediately intelligible to the outsider , is notoriously riven with doubts and disagreements that prevent it from having a shared sense of purpose , and may at intervals erupt into crises that attract the wrong sort of publicity .
15 At a time when Pound was principally a student of Provençal poetry , he appears to have been as good as his word , and to have travelled on foot over the terrain in question .
16 Considering that this was written at a time when Pound 's reputation was eclipsed as Eliot 's rose towards the zenith , the generosity of this essay , its lack of rancour , is admirable .
17 And indeed it asks no great exertion of the historical imagination to recognize that , at a time when ‘ the Sitwells ’ were taken to be ‘ modernists ’ equal with Eliot and Pound , modish was just what Eliot 's reputation was .
18 This begs the question why the Democrats and the White House are staging such a divisive quarrel , at a time when agreement on a deficit-cutting budget for 1990 is already overdue ( the nominal deadline passed yesterday ) .
19 The revival of takeover speculation — there is little doubt that European and Japanese buyers lurk — has occurred at a time when the merchant bankers , after a long period in the doldrums , are enjoying a rerating on trading considerations .
20 If it did not exist , would anyone trouble to invent it at a time when , from the Atlantic to the Urals , socialism in all its manifestations is losing the argument to liberal capitalism ?
21 At a time when I needed all possible support , I was left alone , ’ said Mrs Henry .
22 The strike by Boeing 's 57,000 employees in at least seven states comes at a time when airlines with ageing fleets are already straining to find aircraft for use on their new routes .
23 Diplomats in Bangkok say the movement is attempting to boost its credibility at a time when the US Congress is debating policy on Cambodia .
24 The judge 's ruling comes at a time when many legal experts are pressing for young children to be allowed to give evidence in court .
25 Since Mr Lawson has long been in favour of a stable exchange rate — and since industry has enthusiastically supported him , by expressing its enthusiasm for membership of the European Monetary System — it is ill-placed to argue against an increase in base rates at a time when sterling was threatening to fall below three marks , although the Confederation of British Industry has predictably grumbled that the rise was unnecessary .
26 ‘ The KPNLF is anxious to put on a show of force at a time when the US Congress is debating future aid to the non-communist resistance factions . ’
27 Their concern for the Hungarian minority in Romania at a time when relations between Budapest and Bucharest were excellent frequently landed them in trouble with the authorities .
28 The latest move comes at a time when ICI 's £1.2bn a year pharmaceutical division , which accounts for around a fifth of group trading profits , is set to emerge from a relatively fallow period .
29 Meanwhile , declining confidence in the pound , and perhaps in the ‘ Thatcher Revolution , ’ is severely constraining ministers at a time when — as a formidable faction in the Cabinet has recognised — the Government needs to give a higher priority to the quality of life if it is not to be swept aside in the 1990s .
30 Ironically , the sale of Manton comes at a time when Sangster 's fortunes on the track are looking up .
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