Example sentences of "at the fact that " in BNC.

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1 It fulfilled none of my expectations and seemed to be merely trying to make me laugh at the fact that it had left me standing there grasping at nothing .
2 My horror at the fact that it was not unpleasant , that I was almost enjoying it , and that it was killing me .
3 To those who expressed alarm at the fact that Finland and Poland were already separating from Russia :
4 Although my household and ARP duties did not allow of a visit to the Western hospital some folk came to see us at the main post , and laugh at the fact that the Steward of the hospital had had to send the last of his well-trained clerks to Egypt to help count the number of prisoners and try to get the provision for them in some sort of order .
5 This led to divorce from his wife , who could perhaps be permitted some schadenfreude at the fact that Van Den Hauwe 's relationship had , perforce , become platonic .
6 To this day , I still marvel at the fact that , in a country where even the most seasoned and recalcitrant dyke can be made to feel truly perverted in a very short space of time , women found , and still do find , the courage to step into the breach of difference and come out .
7 My previous astonishment at the fact that people who came here like De Michelis [ the former foreign secretary ] , or like ex-Prime Minister Andreotti , never endowed us with any money is now diminished .
8 Eyebrows are being raised at the fact that the provincial government bought a number of MacMillan Bloedel shares weeks before the announcement of the plan .
9 I also had a look at the fact that Toby might well be — or have been — the man I 'd been waiting for , though God knows I 'd never have recognized him in a million years if we had n't happened , entirely by accident , to stumble into each other 's arms .
10 Now the other reason why of course you wo n't perhaps erm drive naturally is because of this little bit of tension at the fact that who 's this person sitting here looking at what I 'm doing ? and it it 's putting me off .
11 In the next few days nearly all Sullivans diplomatic colleagues came to offer their condolences and to marvel at the fact that no one had been killed .
12 Her friends plainly felt sorry for her , a little embarrassed at the fact that she did not have a husband to contribute to the conversation , nor children , nor any of the little ups and downs of family life .
13 At the fact that he had seemed to be regretting nothing ?
14 And of course , when Corrie left , changed into her new suit , her mother , emotional after the ceremony , had had another little upset at the fact that she was going away too , just when she needed some comfort for one daughter 's departure .
15 She ought to hate him for what he threatened to do , yet inside she felt a treacherous excitement at the fact that he wanted to keep her close .
16 He rejoices at the fact that they started off with small-town views , and began thinking globally .
17 Physicians are concerned at the fact that heart patients sometimes have to wait between three months and a year for surgery .
18 Obviously , the Government share the hon. Gentleman 's pleasure at the fact that the liquidator may well be working out an arrangement with the main shareholders that would mean BCCI 's creditors possibly getting a considerably greater return on what they are owed than was previously thought possible .
19 Will my right hon. Friend look with his Cabinet colleagues at the fact that Kent is receiving considerable capital-infrastructure funds but virtually all of that money is going on projects linked to the channel tunnel , to the great detriment of Kent 's other needs ?
20 The hon. Member for Northampton , North ( Mr. Marlow ) has some interesting ways of looking at the problem , but he did not look at the fact that there are proven ways of taking young people who have committed offences and giving them a chance to confront their criminality .
21 The great weight of opinion in Scotland is outraged at the fact that the present Government can barely find enough Members from Scottish constituencies to fill the ministerial appointments in the Scottish Office .
22 A statement issued by Hamas on June 10 expressed surprise at the fact that Fatah had published this accord unilaterallywhile negotiations between the two groups were still in progress .
23 He expressed dismay at the fact that the State President had failed to respond to the list of demands — mostly aimed at curtailing township violence — that the ANC had said should be sufficiently met before it returned to the negotiating table [ see p. 38948 ] .
24 She seemed as unworried as the headmaster at the fact that the place was due to be consumed in hell-fire .
25 Or maybe she was happy at the fact that , in a few minutes , after a couple of minutes ' contact with Clara Beeding 's right mitt , she would be skipping around with the best of them .
26 What riled Amiss more than the rottenness of the food were the cries of appreciation from Alf and Bert at the fact that strawberry jam had been provided .
27 The CDP also expressed its concern at the fact that no polytechnic director had been on the visiting party ( in fact , when the visiting party was first put together , it did include i polytechnic director , who withdrew at the last moment ) .
28 You wo n't actually look at the fact that there 's a competition going on between the erm dismissing that you are actually the new keeper
29 She looked up quickly , doing nothing to disguise her surprise at the fact that he would only apparently be at OBEX on a part-time basis .
30 I think that the adjective moralistic is really an unkind way of protesting at the fact that she seems to continue to be interested in moral themes which are often associated with Christianity , even if she has got rid of actual orthodox commitment to Christianity itself .
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