Example sentences of "at the end [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The present bridge was built to an adventurous design wherein the cast iron sections forming the arches were pin-jointed not only at the ends but also in the centre of the span .
2 When the stress at the ends or edges of the joint reaches the strength of dry casein therefore , cracks appear at the edges of the joint which immediately produce their own private local concentrations of stress , and so the cracks run through the middle of the joint , much as they would in glass .
3 It is equally important to see that the fence is well braced laterally with tripods at the ends and every 30 yards along its length .
4 The coaches gradually increased in size , length and weight , until overhang at the ends and a sag in the middle necessitated a third set of wheels .
5 They are not expecting special dispensation and that is why so many of the Lourdes pilgrimages are undertaken by genuine pilgrims who may not be able to throw away their crutches at the end but will find new strength from their visit .
6 Thinking about it now , for the first time , I realized that I 'd no idea how a karaso was made : an arm-length shaft of wood , smooth and shiny as a newly opened conker , with five prongs at the end that were perfectly shaped into the smooth curves of a grasping hand .
7 Nothing is more infuriating than reading about something that appeals to you , only to find out at the end that you are not eligible .
8 Capital letter for the first one full stop at the end that 's the main point .
9 Bobby Anscombe , who had reacted badly when he had first heard of the deaf-aid idea , was forced to admit at the end that it might work .
10 There 's er a collar and a what they call a which is a protein tube and then it has various spikes at the end that make it stick on to the outside of the bacteria .
11 I must add that we will not be producing daily summaries , er I think it 's a task which is a fairly daunting on and quite frankly , er they will not be produced in the sense At the end That they would not be available at the end of each day .
12 In relation to erm the second erm erm motion erm we did want to add at the end that Her Majesty 's Inspector of Pollution incessantly environment
13 Labour MPs shouted at the end that it was an affront to democracy .
14 And also , it implies at , at the end that erm , Jane and Rochester meet at Thornfield Hall , and they do n't , they meet Ferndean .
15 Oh yes quite so and if they 're doing well they really , local people really get behind them , but they , they 've prom in previous seasons they they 've promised so much and then fell away at the end that people have got a bit disillusioned and discontented so that , but like last year when they were doing well in the cup they erm at Watford I mean loads of people went to see them .
16 The experts got their calculations wrong and the daily influx into London is vastly greater at the end than the start of the eighties , or any prediction forecast .
17 An ambulance spokesman said : ‘ A clean cut is better to save the limb , but it was quite rough at the end so it does n't sound too good . ’
18 He saw it all reflected in the eyes of those blood-spattered gallopers and bears and lions and tigers and ostriches , all frozen in mid-stride , helpless witnesses of the terror they could not run from , and Preston trying desperately to escape from it , as much in terror of the mutilated corpse of Mary Moxton as he was of her murderer , and running from room to room and pulling open the last door of the last room and out into the night and down the long black tunnel under the railway line getting closer and closer to the grey patch of light at the end until , on the verge of safety , the figure would leap out at him in its bloody clothes with the meat cleaver in its hands …
19 It 's like , with Sharon Stone , even at the end she was still dependent on Michael Douglas , like , when he was going she was crying and she could n't kill him at the end cos she loved him so much and , you know what I mean , so no , Body of Evidence , it 'll probably have a rubbish end and she 'll probably marry the lawyer or something , but it was still good to see her beat , tying a man up , putting candle wax on him and shit .
20 He had a soft face and a long white beard with red , yellow and blue bits at the end where he had dipped it in strange chemicals by mistake .
21 There was this scene right at the end where the woman lights a cigarette after she 's left the gas on the cooker on and everything goes up in an explosion ; and then in the very next advert there was a car driving through a field , and the whole field went up in a sheet of flame .
22 This was weighted with a large wooden tag charred at the end where Father Barnes had put it down too close to a gas flame .
23 There is even a bit at the end where the singer metaphorically falls to his knees and testifies .
24 Each strip is viewed in turn , starting at the end where the light test card is positioned .
25 The conclusion that you are required to reach may be announced at the beginning , at the end or in the middle .
26 There was nothing to alarm him , no activity in the building at the end or near the hangars .
27 and erm , she 's desperate at the end or something , she for good or something but she does get him at the end or summat , at er E Street , E Street started last night , it 's on Sky , erm , it seems canny
28 and erm , she 's desperate at the end or something , she for good or something but she does get him at the end or summat , at er E Street , E Street started last night , it 's on Sky , erm , it seems canny
29 While ordinary motive power generally became more standardised , and again as told later in these pages the difference between locomotive-hauled and multiple-unit stock less marked , the variety still remains impressive and just as many notebooks and cameras record the passage of trains at the end as at the beginning of the eighties .
30 Not for the first time this season Tyson needed a police escort at the end as he was surrounded by protesting players .
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