Example sentences of "at the time because " in BNC.

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1 And that meant a lot to me at the time because all the paintings I was doing were subjects from my childhood years .
2 England captains must not do things like that , but they had not been able to sack him at the time because of the provocation he had been under ; now that he had stepped out of line again he gave them a heaven-sent opportunity to administer the axe .
3 ‘ I supported the principle of the community charge at the time because I thought the principle was right .
4 Some of the deaths are blamed on polonium , an element whose presence during the accident was deliberately kept secret at the time because of its military sensitivity .
5 Such criticism was doubtless deserved at the time because his films were to Hollywood what some of today 's tabloids are to the newspaper industry .
6 ‘ McCabe was probably my favourite at the time because he was so intense for three or four years .
7 I was very annoyed and upset at the time because there were other girls of my age in the dale and they could go and I could not .
8 The West Stand will be out of commission at the time because of the ground 's redevelopment , which has started with the construction of stands to replace the north and south terracing .
9 However , Beecroft 's attempts , little noted at the time because they were mounted from Fernando Po , proved much more successful than the highly publicized expeditions that set out from England .
10 I wondered at the time because it was professional jealousy after all , I suppose . ’
11 ‘ I was embarrassed at the time because it was a serious occasion but secretly I was also very flattered .
12 But by the time I 'd got to the summer term the things that had failed had failed and I knew why , and I was n't feeling too inclined to change them particularly at the time because they had n't failed to the point where the class was in chaos .
13 Beryl 's words had impressed him at the time because they summed up his own vague feeling that what had happened and what was happening might be consequences of the old man 's cynical , even malicious contrivings .
14 Now the audit industry was in favour of that at the time because it saw itself as able to get its fingers into local authority audit so they were prepared to accept that they could do it then , it 's only now er when it 's proposed on what 's been their traditional prerogatives , they er er they audit of banks and private sector er er companies that they balk at the proposition and say ooh it 's horrendous we ca n't do it .
15 His solicitor David Smark said : ‘ He was very frightened at the time because he was almost trapped inside the building .
16 But I could n't tell that it was the Queen Mary at the time because he 'd already cut it out .
17 it 's alright when it 's your own at the time because well it 's , it 's different , when there 's another one there , I mean it , it wears you out so
18 It was n't at the time because you had a real complex about it but
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