Example sentences of "at her in the " in BNC.

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1 She followed , and Lucy waved at her in the mirror at every light .
2 She sees that Harriet is quietly gazing at her in the red firelight .
3 Anyway , the word is and it came from somebody who said he was looking at her in the Chamber the other day that she is going blind .
4 Sometimes she would stand in front of Sarah and stare at her in the most curious way , saying nothing .
5 The somebody bent down , peering at her in the gloomy first light .
6 He looked at her in the driving mirror .
7 His forehead was ripped dark in the starlight but his cheekbones still gleamed ( an image superimposed : the sunset slanting over him as he grinned at her in the freighter ) the way she remembered .
8 Gazing at her in the hall was the stuffed body of Grandpa 's black clumber spaniel , Pickwick .
9 The dancers , from what Lucy had seen , were all pretty good in their way ; she 'd even begun to develop a liking for Maurice , who 'd winked at her in the corridor earlier .
10 He looked at her in the light of the fire .
11 " Coming out to play ? " he said , smiling up at her in the sunlight .
12 ‘ I 'll get our family doctor to take a look at her in the morning .
13 She went over to the shelf where she had left her drink , and stared down in dismay at the overturned glass , the shards of crystal glinting wickedly up at her in the dim light .
14 People turned to stare at her in the street .
15 Silas stood still to stare at her in the dim light .
16 Woolley stopped shaving and looked at her in the mirror .
17 They looked at her in the flickering light of the matches .
18 Vitor was looking at her in the way he had looked at her so many months ago — when they had first met , when she had felt that tug .
19 He stared at her in the poor light that filtered through a tiny window above the door .
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