Example sentences of "at the [det] time " in BNC.

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31 But at the same time , an enormous sense of responsibility to protect the church , the family , and the minds and hearts of the faithful from incursions by the state was perceived to be the basic duty of the church leaders .
32 This indicates an acceptance of the state structures , or a recognition of a need for the separation of Northern Ireland from the remaining state structure of Ireland , but at the same time a continuing opposition to protestant — loyalist dominance .
33 At the same time , in theory they wish to accept that Ulster protestants form part of the Irish people while they actually do not accept them in practice .
34 Not all the clergy and all the religious orders have been actively engaged in the pursuit of this ideal , but one or two orders have been ; for example , the Christian Brothers are devoted to the ideals of a Christian and catholic education , and supporters of the concept of a nation dedicated to God and at the same time distinctly Irish .
35 At the same time , despite the popular support for many of the activities of the provisionals north of the border , there is almost no popular support for terrorist activities against the established government in the South .
36 The conscientious lay person was simply involved in a two-way process of having his or her conscience informed , while at the same time being protected from making unintended errors of judgement .
37 According to the Liberal-Irish alliance , the Irish party was supposed to abstain from the 1901 Conservative bill , aimed at bringing denominational schools in England and Wales into the national education system while at the same time absenting them from local government control : that is , giving finance while maintaining the system of denominational clerical control .
38 At the same time , the late Bishop Philbin began to refuse the sacrament of Confirmation to Roman catholic children attending state schools .
39 At the same time , they were keen to bring up their children as Roman catholics .
40 At the same time , sociologists of education generally hold to the view that schools can have an important role in both conservation and social change .
41 Present and absent at the same time .
42 Yet at the same time there is work done upon it , he wrote , and which remains , as it does not in the mind .
43 as if my whole life , he wrote , had been spent working at the glass and at the same time had been spent doing nothing at all .
44 And Goldberg , pushing the hair out of his eyes and wiping his face at the same time with his sleeve , pushed away the typewriter , pulled the pad towards him , seized the felt-tip pen , and wrote : He later admitted that he had merely said between seventeen and eighteen as a manner of speaking .
45 Nevertheless I feel that I have a responsibility to the public and to the world of art both to present your unpublished writings in as comprehensible a form as possible , and at the same time to correct some of the misleading impressions these might give , not of course about yourself , but about others , casually mentioned here and there in the course of your jottings .
46 Yet at the same time mere graffito in pissoir , he wrote .
47 But at the same time we do want to be saved .
48 ( In their 1988 survey , Mintel noted that ‘ the proportion of consumer expenditure represented by alcohol consumption has fallen steadily , whilst at the same time that spent on leisure as a whole has increased ’ ( Hunt , p42 ) . )
49 However , many of the features of the pub as we know it today were developed during the Georgian period ; at the same time , many Georgian pub buildings — or at least Georgian architectural fittings — still survive today .
50 Langford and Williams ' work with renowned listed pubs since 1987 puts the company in a favourable light with conservation societies such as The Victorian Society , SPAB , and the Georgian Group ; we have even been known to win a few CAMRA awards yet at the same time the firm has also brazenly converted redundant pubs to café-bar concepts .
51 The number of hotel-based leisure complexes that do not take into consideration the operation of a facility at the same time as its aesthetics are plain for all to see .
52 He was quite at home talking about Eisenstein or Brecht , Shakespeare or Godard , but at the same time he was completely rooted in the specificity of Bengal , its history , its literature and its culture .
53 At the same time , Ghatak believed in experiment , in the need for an ‘ experimental cinema ’ .
54 At the same time , he remained committed to a popular cinema , a cinema of the slums and the villages .
55 A SOUTH BANK SHOW about him and his work will be broadcast by LWT at the same time .
56 These had gone down rather well , and as our Baroque painting specialist was leaving at the same time as Youngman , voices were raised to say here was perhaps both the lecturer and the administrator we were looking for .
57 Her husband was due to retire then and they had decided that they would both give up work at the same time .
58 It 's also a colour of cold — and we have n't had much of a summer this year — but at the same time it reminds me of the warmth and tranquillity of a Claude Lorrain .
59 Bearing in mind that it takes approximately 12 weeks from planting to flowering , it is possible to grow bulbs of many species and varieties to flower at the same time for a spectacular display , and also plant for a succession of flowers if potting up is carefully timed .
60 In theory , you have to ensure that you have at least two trees in flower at the same time so that they can pollinate each other , otherwise you may get no fruit at all .
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